Bikers in the Government's sights again

  • GREG
    17 years ago
    Ahh BIG BROTHER is gaining strength.
  • Uncle Ho
    Uncle Ho
    17 years ago


    I like how they use Federal Labor Party and Australian Crime Commission in the same sentence

  • Harleyglide
    17 years ago
    I noticed the headline reads bikers. This is the worrieing part, do the government know the difference between bikers and bikies.
    If they do this what about car clubs push bike clubs and large gatherings in general. Maybe its paranoia or we do have reason to be concerned.
    Thanks for bringing this to our attention Alby and happy new year.
    17 years ago
    do you think this also could apply to the Aubry womens auxillary crochet club ? as this is a congregation of bodies who potentially could be inspiring to create anarchy and mayhem =within Australia....wankers.. get a life
  • Mungrel
    17 years ago

    There was a similar type of story on a news program the other night. The story was about a system that uses satelites to detect speeding motorists. It can control engine management systems in vehicles, automatically throttleing them back. Supposedly they want to target repeat offenders.... What a load of crap this all is.

    We get bulshitted so much every day we just swallow it. Are we so gullible?

    Fear - Terrorism,  Bikies, Bushfires, Speed kills... Yes speed can kill, but what is an acceptable risk? When is enough? Should a speed limit be 60 or 50 ... what about 30? ... wipe off 5 more, or should we all just stay in bed? 

    Guilt - Smoking, or the Green House Effect and how the world is about to get ugly (with lots of research funded by large corporations with  vested interests). Lets push to be responsible, greener and consume less, absolutely, but we are not all about to die.

    We are pumped with fear so governments get more control, and so we buy more of the sponsors stuff. Newspapers only want to sell more newspapers. They report what they can sell and sell what they can report. So all we see is sensationalist stories, doom and gloom. It must be getting worse! This is a reality. The erosion of what we call freedom and science, because freedom is becoming undermined by over-regulating governments and science is becoming hijacked by business and politics.

    Think I need to go for a blat now   Back to our regular programming. 

  • czarek
    17 years ago


    Totally agree with Mungrel.

    America post 9/11 - citizens gave up more civil rights than they gained in the last 200 years. Terrorism is not a new think. Just remember IRA in 70 and early 80, ETA (Basque organisation – Spain), “Brigade Rose” in Germany and Italy with kidnappings, high jacking and murder, “Bader Meinhoff” group and so on.

    Governments that are funded by big business need to manipulate its citizens and dictate them the correct way of life. This is what you should eat, wear, buy and sell. This is how you should look, act, work, live. This is where you should live, house you have to buy, mortgage to pay and when you do all that they’ve got you by the balls.

    FUCK them, fight for your rights.

  • shadowhand
    17 years ago
    Politicians are all the same. They promise big things but when they step up they realize they cannot change anything the machine moves too slow. It's funny though, the things that do move fast are the money making schemes: fines, GST etc. coincidence?

    If we don't talk or write a letter to our MPs about motorbike issues: like fines/noise how will they know?