Ok, as many would have read I'm getting my '08 Street Bob delivered this week. The bike has the V&H Big Radius 2 into 2 pipes on it which I love the look of, but speaking to the guy I bought it from, the pipes don't have the baffles in them. I've heard these pipes and they are farkin loud, so I'm trying to source somewhere to buy the baffles from. Anyone purchased any or know where to get them from?
I've done the usual searches on Google and U.S ebay and the like and surprisingly I can't find squat.
I had these on but took them off after getting done, they have a kind of baffle in them, not much but
I had been searching for a while for some kind of baffle for them, the only one I came across was I think from memeory a thunder jet that is made for it ,I have the web site book marked at home
I am at work at the moment doing dog watch, so I can't paste it now, when I wake up after lunch I will give paste the link in the forum
it is suppose to be a little more quiet but makes a better tone, but I haven't treid it yet
ok , it is big city thunder not thunder jet
the web site is www.bigcitythunder.com/pages/product-fit.html#
in the page is the following ref to the big radius
"For curved pipes such as Vance & Hines Big Radius and Ness Slashers we recommend our Thunder Monster baffles part number 2002 or our new QQ baffles part number QBL 1845. For the Hooker Troublemakers we recommend our Thunder Monster baffles part number 2001 or our new QQ baffles part number QBL 1994. For other curved pipe applications please call and have the pipe dimensions available.
here is a thread link on the VTWIN forum discussing this product www.v-twinforum.com/forums/exhaust-discussions-aftermarket-oem/113422-big-radius-baffle-replacement.html
and here is an ebay link to baffles being sold by evil cycles, I think they are the standard ones cgi.ebay.com.au/BAFFLE-FOR-HARLEY-VANCE-AND-HINES-BIG-RADIUS-EXHAUST_W0QQitemZ220319043682QQihZ012QQcategoryZ35229QQtcZphotoQQcmdZViewItemQQ_trksidZp1742.m153.l1262
This is all I have found
Hey how's it going? I have Vance and hines shortshots on my bike and i was looking at the quiet baffles as well. I contacted the V and hines people and they reckon that the quiet baffles will only reduce the decibels by a bees dick, and they would still be illegal. Fine by me, maybe not by the Vic cops. Just heard as well that Vic is introducing roadside sound cameras in the near future. Hopefully i can blow the microphone with about 130 decibel goodness.
Spot on, went for a ride about a month ago and got pulled over by the boys. They do not do noise tests on the road anymore. Must be a proper place. The boys said you will get a notice in the post for a noise test. Sure enough, three weeks later it arrived in the mail. Made a booking with a local guy at Campbelltown a for noise test. Bloke said 93.8 decibels. Thought all good, but stated that the results are then submitted to EPA for their consideration. Waiting.
KC, this is an old thread so any update on your opinion of the BR 2 into 2? Mine had these on it when I bought it and they were so loud I was sure I'd get done so I sold them and put the original SE2 s back on. They are very deep and sound great. I like the look of the BR so much though that I'm regretting dumping them. Loss of power is not a big issue for me. Do you still have yours and if if you do, how are you finding them after all this time, especially compared to other pipes of blokes you ride with?
Thanks mate.
Are there standerd baffle fitted to BR when you order the pips??? I could not see any baffles in the pips when I got mine.
I had a bit of a pook around today with fingers, theres a ring insert with a phillips head screw attached about 2 inches into the end of each pip.
They look like baffle holding breckets, but there are no baffles there,,,, so as I have just brought these pips from the U.S. on the net ( not long ago), they do not came with baffles unless you order the Q baffles with the pips.
These brackets feel like a 2 to 3 inch sleeve insert that can be used to weld a baffle into and then slip back into the pips.
The QQQ Monstars, are exhshortionery $$$$$$$$ priced for baffles , but when you think of the fines and trouble switching pips for a EPA noise tes t/ fine, they might just be worth doing.
At that price one would hope there a strieght slip in fit. No Fucking around
I also think a bit more back presure would help with popping in the V&H pips, that why they are a poppy pip becouse there strieght throughs.
Opening up old thread I have a 2014 breakout fitted with V & H BR pipes,they have the stk baffle in them and I got defected for noise..besides replaceing them with supertrapp super megs is there any other way to quieten them...the vids ive seen of the BCT QQ baffles and the Smartpartz Hard Kore baffles don't sound much quieter than stock ?? if I was to use the wrap how do you wrap them and will it make considerable difference ??
i should mention i will be fitting the stage 4 SE kit in near future if i ever get the $$$ defect has cost me $500 Farrrrk
Decided on bassani 2-1 road rage short meg ...selling the vh 2-1 once I have the stage 4 the vh won't perform.