Meet up then ride to; Right to ride poker run 07/03/08

  • Shoveltrouble
    16 years ago

    Hi All, Anyone interested in heading to;

    "Right to ride poker run"


    68 Lipton drv Thomastown

    Assembling from 10:30 with the ride leaving @ noon.

    All makes of motorcycle welcome

    Over $5000.00 in prizes to be won.

    Patch clubs by invitation.

    Who; Hells angels Nomads M.C.

    I have been the last two years and always had a great day out

    I'm thinking anyone interested from South / east meet @ Krispy Kreme Narre Warren , head down M1 swing by the city, meet up with guys from west @ servo near Westgate bridge then head over to Thomastown?

  • weasel
    16 years ago
    I would be interested in that sounds good what does it cost ,will have to get back closer to date sounds good though
  • Shoveltrouble
    16 years ago


    Weasel, from memory last year it cost around $25.00ish.

    Top day out,  only a fortnight away.

  • Hootin
    16 years ago

    Coming off nightshift that morning but hey why not, I'm in.

  • Hootin
    16 years ago

    I can't make this ride guys, i'd forgotten I have to take my wife to the airport, spewin'.

  • MapleLeafs
    16 years ago

    Haha so its a wild night with booze and loose women at Hootin's house after the poker run??!!

  • Hootin
    16 years ago

    I offered to drop the missus off at the airport on my bike and meet up with you guys at the start of the run, she didn't think it was a good idea carrying a suitcase on the back of the bike, " it's got wheels " I said " just drag it along the road beside you, it's only 45 k's to the airport". Wouldn't be in it, no sense of adventure that woman.   Hope it's a great day.  Don't forget the camera Maples.

  • MapleLeafs
    16 years ago
    Plenty of pics cos I'll leave the camera on the seat the night before. Expect to see pics of choppers, pics of blingsters, and maybe even a pic of Shovel's air-fouler (coin slot) in action on the road ;)
  • MapleLeafs
    16 years ago

    Nice ride there Ozroder, going wireless is a great look.

    I have a red 1200 sportster per my avatar, I also have a Canuck flag on my lid.  Shovel has a military painted shovelhead (is it a '71?).  Hootin' has a taxi light on his bike with him playing airport cabbie to the airport :)  Shovel and I are clean shaven good looking men, no Harley beards - and are too young for the Ulysses club by far.

    Be great to meet up and have maybe have a cold fizzy drink with you.

  • weasel
    16 years ago
    Hey ozroder
    Still not 100% sure if i can make it
    But if i do i will be on 05 black fatty pic in photo gallery,Iam at work pics at home
    I will be at the cruise night in mornington on tue night come on down ill be there about sixish
    Check it out vic rides section
  • Hootin
    16 years ago

    Ozroder, don't be fooled, that avatar photo of mine is actually Mapleleafs and Shoveltrouble at a recent run we went on to Morwell, they were a big hit in the local pub, couldn't get a lookin myself.

  • Shoveltrouble
    16 years ago

    Ozroder, Looking forward to meeting for a quite beer or two. I'll P.M. you my mobile number. I ride a hammertone grey shovel, jockey shift with wrapped pipes.

  • weasel
    16 years ago


    Hey ozroder

    here is a pic of my scooter taken at flinders golf club




  • Shoveltrouble
    16 years ago

    Thinking of meeting @ Klubhouse @ 9:30, head off by 9:45ish, should be around an hour to get to Thomastown, Will be worth topping up on juice close to there - may end up covering a few K's at a swift pace. Should end up there an hour before the run starts, plenty of bikes to look at, people to chat to etc.

    Hey, Mapleleafs, you still keen to be roadcaptain?

  • MapleLeafs
    16 years ago
    I ordered a 'Road Captain' neon sign. So here's my non-negotiable rules:

    The Road Captain (RC) is the ride leader. The RC plans the route and controls the run to assure the safe and pleasurable passage of everyone. The RC stays in the front position and controls the pace and tone of the ride. The RC will plan rest and gas stops, but YOU should arrive with a full tank and an empty bladder. YOU are responsible for your own warmth, dryness and personal comfort and are expected to have your machine in a state of good repair and readiness.

    The Sweep Rider remains at the rear of the group. The Sweeper assures that no one gets stranded on the road and tries to maintain the "wholeness" of the group. The group is in effect sandwiched between the RC and Sweeper. The Sweep will signal blockers to rejoin the ride and provides a consistent "last person". Should you decide to leave the group, it is best to signal with an OK sign and goodbye wave.

    Blockers assist in getting the band through intersections safely, quickly, and efficiently. While technically illegal, blocking also eases the effect of the passage on traffic in general. It also helps to avert any rider or riders from making a risky choice rather than chance being separated from the rest. Blockers, when directed to a position by the RC, should activate their flashers just prior to pulling out of formation. The flashers should be shut off after rejoining just ahead of the sweeper. While blocking it is wise to remain in gear and ready to move should another vehicle ignore the request to wait A "stop" hand signal is suggested while blocking and is most easily accomplished by the passenger if present. A "thank you" signal by blockers and sweeper as well is a nice touch and usually appreciated. Since a blocker assumes the responsibility of holding up traffic, plus a remote possibility of a traffic violation, it is of course voluntary.

    The normal and proper formation is two-wide but in a staggered position. Save the side-by-side stuff for when you are profiling with Peter Fonda.

    Sweepers and blockers and slinkies and all sorts of bullshit. Seriously. How about we ride there carefully and in a way that is fun for us all. Given that I'm more concerned about how half these patched chaps are gonna be riding during the main event anyway.

    Shovel, you are to take these HOG rules to the patched boys and insist they be followed at all times, otherwise big trouble. I'm RC and pulling rank for you to go do that. There's a good lad. Should only take a few minutes. Thanks.
  • weasel
    15 years ago
    MMMMMM I might meet yas there hey, HeHeHeMMMM
    Road captain what the
    Are ya gona tuck the jeans into the boots so i can spot yas
  • MapleLeafs
    15 years ago
    Any resistance and non-compliance with the non-negotiable HOG rules will see Shovelhead ripping the rockers off their patch club vests and jackets as a punishment.

    Shovelhead the enforcer. EnforcerAnother new HOG term and wanky title that needs to be adopted hahaha, fits well with blockers, slinkies and sweepers! Aye aye Road Cap'n.

    If I don't wear my steel caps, I might don the actual m'cycle boots to stick the pants inside them, weasel. Gotta love that German army look.
  • weasel
    15 years ago
    hey Ozroder

    I will look out for you today,goin to meet the others soon
    if they get outa bed

  • weasel
    15 years ago
    hey shovel

    What time ya goin
  • MapleLeafs
    15 years ago
    Interesting. We ain't set a time at all have we. D'oh.