Meet up then ride to; Right to ride poker run 07/03/08

  • MapleLeafs
    15 years ago
    We were in your pic, wozza - off to the left, in DSCN0545.jpg :) Shovelhead has the errr shovelhead you photo'd down that end.

    I'll post mine in your thread when I can be assed uploading them tonight :) Might even report on the day too, dot-point/bullshit style.
  • MapleLeafs
    15 years ago

    Rekap of the days events!

    * Klubhouse Koffee was konsumed at 9.30am and then Weasel, Shoveltrouble and MapleLeafs were away to Thomastown.
    * All three of us mentally kursed the Monash Rumblestrip for being a torn up piece of sh!t. Roadworks were also everywhere. A little lane-sharing tribute to our favorite shovelhead abuser ensured we beat the queues of cars (and hey, was it an earthquake or was it just pinging???!).
    * A small matter of a missed turnoff was also solved.
    * Arrive at the HA's den and registered, paid and parked. Some paparazzi member, codename Wozza, was hiding in the bushes to get photos of MapleLeafs and ShovelTrouble, the two celebrities of the ride.
    * Stickers to cover up the number plates were distributed. ShovelHead was keen. Weasel was not. MapleLeafs decided against it, leaving his rego on display so the girls could easily spot him. Always thinking ahead.
    * Met up with Ozroder and Mrs Ozroder, Oz was a fine gentleman with one lovely clean and lovely scoot. Nearly fainted when I heard how much he has invested into it. Let's just say you'd get three stock Sportsters or two stock Fatboys, as a ball park. Fine machine though all the same, I was impressed.
    * The ride ambled out probably a bit later than expected. Some fine efforts at blocking (up n back) by those who did it. Thanks, you do put your ass on the line doing it, and it should be appreciated. People don't fuck around on this run and some serious RPM's were happening.
    * Arrived in Gisborne as the first stop. Found a rider had been knocked off his bike when a COP CAR, yes, the Old Bill themselves, turned out in front of his path and caused the crash. His day was soured, a snapped leg by all reports. Nice work by the lone Johnny Whopper to skittle someone. And nicer work by the group at large for letting him live!
    * Found ShovelHead was not in Gisborne after everyone had arrived. His story was an oil leak that happened around Calder Park. He was out for the day. Later found ShovelHead was enforcing HOG riding rules and had pulled over a number of patchies and was ripping their rockers off. He had his hands full. Rumor was he was selling them back at $20 each at the end of the ride. (In all seriousness, poor bugger. Glad he and the bike are home and that it gets well soon!).
    * Mid-afternoon, we rolled out of Gisborne and over to Kilmore. Not a bad road at all. I enjoyed this one more than just multi-lane highwaying it.
    * Kilmore was asleep when we got there, except for the bowls pennant that was on and the oldies were overjoyed we decided to come have a blat during their big game.
    * Some of the old ladies at bowls were very keen to know where Hootin' was. They had donned their sexiest bloomers especially. They jumped in their Volvo's right away to hit up his house party on that evening.
    * The local convenience store man had his two daughters serving on checkout and they were fantastic.
    * Sat lazily for over an hour in Kilmore. The peace broken by the realisation that one of the 1% bikers was getting a bl0wj0b from his female bling. In the main street. Daylight. Credit to those for two for such boldness. And no credit whatsoever to his two pals who during this were sat next to him, at the same level as his todger - chatting to him. Sheesh!
    - Back down the Hume, Weasel kindly linked up with MapleLeafs and we road back out to the South-East. A great day out, just a shame we lost ShovelHead early on.

  • scaley1
    15 years ago



    Hey man 99% agree with what ya wrote EXCEPT my brothers were sitting watching they were recording the moment for the national archives of cycle filth, back when ye oldie world was flat trash was to be feared and revered and rules were put in to place to keep civilised fuckers away from us so the pigs new which ones to shoot at. far to many std people now with that new age disease morels or some such. Quote " KNOW YE THAT THIS IS THE KINGDOM OF KICKS , WINE , BIKES , DRUGS, AND CHICKS " RIP Dave .

  • grafpak
    15 years ago
    best time was back at the clubhouse after!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • MapleLeafs
    15 years ago
    A decent video put together from the day:

    OzRoder, ShovelTrouble, Weasel and MapleLeafs' lower-halves appear at 0:22 to 0:24 hehehe

  • weasel
    15 years ago

    Hey Wozza

    Saw Ethel parked up in the vid,
    You must have been just up a bit from where we were parked
    prob walked right past each other to busy lookin at bike bling
    catch on a ride one day, maybe sunday p/s ride