Hi mates,
i am planning to order a new Fatboy 08 and use it daily to go to work.
question :
How many km can you do before having some mechanical issues ? what would be the Haley equivalent of 150,000km with a car ?
how reliable the bike will be for a daily usage ?
I spoke to a guy on the side of the road a couple of weeks ago who owned a 2003 dyna and it looked like he hadn't washed it from new,it had a 119,000km on it and he said the only problem he has had during that time was a stator. He hadn't even checked the Cam chain tensioners that everyone is parranoid will shit themselves anywhere from 20,000kms on. Hope this helps? Of course I didn't know him from a bar of soap, but he didn't seem to care if I believed him or not, and after looking at his bike and chatting to him I have no reason to doubt .
Good thing about living on an island (Tassie) is that bikes don't get stolen that much. There are people in the club with 100plus klicks with no problems.