Online: B0nes

Oil Changes

  • shadowhand
    17 years ago

    Oil Changes:

    If using mineral change every 4mths. or 4000KMs. ( 6mths. or 8000KMs MAX ).  (Can use standard filters up to 8000KMs).

    If using synthetic change every 7mths. or 8000KMs. (1 yr. or 15000KMs MAX).

    A plastic measuring beaker will help u get the oil amount exact.

    Watch your hands if bike is red hot.

    Any good car wrench will work.

    Have some rags handy.

    A washing-up bowl is pretty good for catching oil or old large saucepans.

    Use brake cleaner or  turps to get rid on oil of engine.

    Fill exactly to the line (NO more NO less). Too much, alot of pressure. Too little increased friction.

    Tighten filter by hand. Easier to get off next time.

    Run the engine after changes to test for leaks.

    I'd stick to the o-rings for sealing the oil sump threads.  You can use teflon paste and PTFE tape too.

    If your oil smells funny (burnt/reeks) coming out of your primary you might have problem there.

    Oil :

    Penrite GAS summer. Caltex Delo 400 MG winter.   Penrite Enduro & Caltex Delo 400 MG winter. HPR diesel summer HPR diesel 15 winter.

    Motorbike oil I like:

    Valvoline 4-Stroke M.C. oil 15w50 & Shell Advance 4-T 20w50.

     If stop start ride in the city and do short rides under 90Kms more water is present  in the engine as it's not getting burned off. (Frequency is the destructor or saviour).  This leads to sulphuric acid build up.  Change oil more regular and take longer rides over 90Kms every now and then.





    Hope this helps y'all.