Hi all, another WA fella here, I found this place while searching for info about my little mate Cohey that we said farewell to yesterday and after reading through a few pages decided to sign up.
I ride a '97 Super Glide which has served me well for many years and I'm sure will continue to do so for plenty more. I usually ride with a close bunch of mates and we reguarly get between 6 and 15 bikes out on the road together and its great to have people you can trust to respect your space on the road and watch your back - and your front for that matter.
I like getting out on my own too - not every good ride needs to be shared, sometimes you like to keep it to yourself!
I've seen a fair bit of this wide brown beautiful land of ours but I reckon you can't beat the South West of WA for bloody good rides and bloody great destinations - especially weekenders.
Its good to see a local forum for this sort of stuff and if I can get my boofheaded mates to figure out how to log in you may see a few more WA members.
good on ya wild goose,super glides are great bike i reckon , make some noise out there with ya sometime.
Thanks for the welcome fellas, I've been sifting through some of the discussions here and got a few belly laughs along the way.
I live and work SOR and most of my riding is in a southern direction but I haven't been down to Freo for a while so it must have been some bastard copying my paint-job. Whenever we go on a run and people at the pub are eyeballing the bikes it is always mine that gets the most comments - because it isnt black!
welcome from another sangropher... catch ya later....
Welcome Wildgoose