Online: beaglebasher

What mods are you thinking about next?

  • kingchops
    17 years ago

    Thought it would be good to start a thread about any upcoming mods people are thinking of doing?


    Mini ape hanger handle bars - have heard I will most likely need a new brake link but would improve the seating position of the sporty after putting the forward controls on it.

  • nobody
    17 years ago

    !8 inch wheels and pc111 or thundermax

  • kingchops
    17 years ago
    I mentioned in another post that I was looking at the V&H Fuelpak, do you rekon the PCIII or thundermax would be better?

    I notice you've got a Danny Grey seat what do you think of it?

    I was a big fan of biker build-off!
  • GREG
    17 years ago

    I've got lowered suspension to be fitted at the next service.


    Braided lines, smoked indicators, 80 spoke front wheel, +++++++++???

    I'm not too concerned about the performance side of things at the moment, if I was after that I would have bought a Ducati 1028.

  • nobody
    17 years ago

    what sort of suspension are you having put on to lower your ride Greg?


  • GREG
    17 years ago

    Progressive, I think they give a nice ride height and enough comfort for what I'm after.

    I'm keen to hear your thoughts though on any other brand nobody.

  • nobody
    17 years ago

    Personally I think progressive suspension is overrated and blown out of proportion by all the American hype,you know,buy American because it must be the best etc.Don't get me wrongthey do the job adequately,I just have a problem with their quality,I know of quite a few people that have had them ralltle and make all sorts of weird and wonderful noises,usually just the top cap coming loose,but who wants that,especially at the price they charge.Especially with our dollar a lot less than the U.S dollar.With the softail setup,if you want the best,be prepared to pay for it,if you want the best there is only one choice and that is FOURNALES,they make the best softail suspension bar non.They are made in France and distributed in Australia by Bertrand le frog in Tasmania.You may have seen adds in some of the magazines.If you don't want to spend top dollar,a call to Geoff Lowe at Proven Products might be worth your while,he is the builder and mnufacturer and designer of IKON shocks,he will custom make them to what your normal riding style is ie solo 2 up etc.I know ,I got a set of custom length and cust valved and sprung shocks for my FLHRC and the difference has been amazing to say the least.


  • GREG
    17 years ago

    Thanks for the forthwright feedback.

    Having ridden mates bikes with progressive lead me that way.

    I have read about the Ikon suspension but have not actually seen it or know of anyone up here that use it. Things are a bit slow to get up here. The fournales stuff has an excellent reputation, I have mate on race replicars who swear by it. I also like ohlins gear as well, but am not sure if the make softail stuff.

    I guess what it comes down to is who has what locally. That way they can provide set up and warranty support if needed. We are somewhat restricted in choice here but it is improving.

    Thats the positive of this forum. People from much larger population centres with a heap of experience can shed some light.

  • Today
    17 years ago

    1200 conversion!

  • Today
    17 years ago

    Will do.....cheers!!

  • kingchops
    17 years ago

    I've thought about doing the 1200 conversion in the future. I'm personally going to wait till it's out of warranty, I don't see any reason in voiding a good warranty straight up. If you're considering doing it though I picked a good book called: "Harley-Davidson Sportster Performance Handbook 3rd edition", it's put out by Motorbooks, got it at Borders about $60. It looks great goes into every potential mod for the sportster, has a big section on converting to a big bore. I figure I'm going to read it slowly over the next 18 months and see what I want to start doing.

  • cattleprod
    17 years ago

    Fitted S&S tapereds. Waiting on Mustang tourer seat, forward controls, wind screen, Mr. Hides saddle bags, Boot Dr. Passenger foot boards, then i can fit the Tour-Pak top box. All this so the missus can pack all her gear and have a comfy bum.


    The things we do for love.

    17 years ago

    that D&D is nice

  • cattleprod
    17 years ago

    Just installed a 2" tank lift kit, that changes the perspective!!

  • Today
    17 years ago

    Apart from the aforementioned 1200 conversion I think custom paint and white wall tires are on the list!!!!!

    17 years ago

    STIX is that a borzilla ?

    2" lift kit on a 07 street bob

  • cattleprod
    17 years ago

    Mick has it.