CBD to Wismans Ferry then Brooklyn lunch - Sat 29th a.m

  • gtsr
    16 years ago

    so superglide organized the ride -then did not show up hehe superglide whats happerning

  • SuperGlide
    15 years ago

    haha, SORRY.
    Well I did try tho' - as explained to some on the phone, i did get up early and drive to where the bike was in the rain, but the ol' H.D was locked in my mates garage and he's taken his key overseas (or lost it). So was'nt happy.

    I'd like to do this run again for next week or soon, but I may not be able to get at my bike this weekend still.
    I did manage to get my mates fireblade 1000 out through the side-door tho' so gave that a good rap as punishment.