50 years young Born 1957 the year the Sportster was born
So i thought i better get a Sportster !
61 1/2 riding non stop since 16 [1962]
First bike Triumph 57, T110
48 years old.
Born in Poland, was pilion on my father's Java CZ350 (great bike, Czechoslovakian) and an East German MZ250.
After migrating to Aussie I did a lot of cycling, mainly in triathlons (Olympic distance 1500m swim, 40 km bike and 10 km run).
Three years ago my dearest wife had won a V-Moto scooter and I started my biker career. Had a Hyosung Aquila 250 for a year and as soon as I got my open licence I got my Harley. Absolutely love it.
A day without riding is a day lost!!!
I'm 36 (hence the '71 in my username) I was riding around on the tank of my old mans triumph as a bub and got my own first bike as a 4 year old - it was a trike actually 70cc honda.
I've had a motorcycle of some sort for as long as I can remember - I shared a brand new CR125 dirt bike with my older brothers and I hate to say I used to hope they'd break their legs so I could ride it all the time and not have to share. We always had at least half a dozen dirt bikes in various stages of repair in the shed, or in the driveway or out the back etc (my grandad worked at the dump and would take bikes to and from the tip depending on whether we we fixed em or fucked em!
Gets a bit foggy trying to remember all the bikes I've had but I loved riding all of them - though the Triumph was like an old dog, has a good run on the way there and enjoys the ride home in the ute!
First licensed bike was an XR250 road trail, got my license on an RD250 and this is roughly the sequence thereafter - RZ250, KR250, DR250, 250 Virago, GS550, Triumph 750 Bonneville, GR650, GPZ900R, HD Super Glide.
My neighbour offered to take me for lessons when I was 16 and I was chuffed - he had a gleeming new 1986 Softail Custom and I pinged along side him on the RD250, it was a great way to do lessons and we got some interesting looks from people as we passed by.
People sometimes ask me why I ride bikes and I have to admit that I just don't know what its like NOT to ride them!!!
From way back I always knew I'd get a Harley someday but I reckon two things clinched it, one was getting the lessons with Al on his softail and the other was when my uncle rode over from Brisbane on his Electra Glide when I was around 19 years old and he threw me his helmet and keys and said "Take it for a spin". I visited every mate I could think of that day because the bastards never would have believed me if they hadnt seen it with their own eyes. I had a grin on my head for about a week after and started preparing myself for the day when I could buy my own. He still has the electraglide but sadly his health problems have made riding a little to risky - but I'm doing enough for the both of us and he knows it.