Screamin Eagle Muffler Baffles

  • syco_bob
    17 years ago

    Hi guys/girls,


    just a quick question, I've got screamin eagle II mufflers on my bob and noticed that there a two bolts that seem to be holding the baffles in place.  Is it possible to remove the baffles by undoing these bolts and pulling them out?  or are they tac welded in?



  • GREG
    17 years ago
    I had the same thoughts, undid the bolts and tried to pull the baffels out. Didnt budge, gripped them with pliers still no good. I even tried to persuade them out with a metal rod from the other end. They are well stuck. I didn't go too hard though as I didnt want to wreck them.

  • syco_bob
    17 years ago
    yeah I tried the pliers too, but they didn't budge. Then before I went too hard I thought I'd better ask you guys about em before I bust something again. I reckon they must be tac welded in somewhere or the metal needs to be heated to take them out or put them in.
  • JC&S34
    17 years ago
    My parts bloke told me they do come out though I'm not sure how much efort is needed.
  • Rocket
    17 years ago
    My mate pulled his apart recently to chop the S/E baffles down. had the same problem as you.
    One muffler came apart with no worries, the but the other one wouldn't budge.
    On closer inspection it turns out the sneaky fucks had punched a rivet through as well so have a good look around the muffler and you might find you just need to drill it out.
    I think it was up towards the front end of the baffle.
    17 years ago

    eaisiest way to remove baffles is to take the slipon of , undo bolts etc and nock it on a peice of wood , preferably pine ,a few desent tapes and they will slide out ,

    if ur unsure just check out the bolt hole that holds the baffle on to see if there is any movement 

    why ya wana take them out but ?

    if ya want more noise drill the holes in the baffles out a little , not all of them but, start with 5 in each baffle


  • JC&S34
    17 years ago
    When Frasers in Preth drill them I think they put about 50 more holes in each baffle.
  • boofhead
    17 years ago

    When I had my SE 2s I pulled the slipons off and opened them up a bit without drilling or pulling out the baffle.

    If you look up inside the slipon you will see theres a big scoop that exhaust gas enters and then is forced through the baffle.

    If you want to increase throuhgput you can close this off a fair bit just be prying it down with the right bar / block of wood.

    I did this and although it's not a huge difference in performance the system was definately louder. Otherwise you can drill as BACAMICK suggests.

    If you are going to pull the baflles out make sure you put something back in though. BCT (Big City Thunder) baffles are supposed to be the go but I haven't heard them myself. Heaps of guys on the US forums have put these in. I was going to do it and I contacted them. They said they would ship to Australia. In the end I just bought a full V & H system instead.

  • syco_bob
    17 years ago
    Yeah I've decided to go with the black V&H shorties. Can get them real cheap in the states now but it seems like there is a shortage. Anyone know a good source for these babies?
  • boofhead
    17 years ago
    I bought my sideshots from ebay seller JC Motorcycle exhausts. They were here in less than a week.

    BTW, I'm guessing short shorts and side shots are about the same volume and mate they are friggin loud. Almost as loud as a straight through system (I'm not joking, I have heard my bike with no baffles at all and it's close). For me they are a bit on the harsh side so I'm going the quiet baffles to drop the Db by a couple and deepen the tone. It might be worth your while ordering with the quiet baffles in the same shpment if you think you might have the same problem.
  • syco_bob
    17 years ago
    what do you guys reckon of the Hooker exhaust range? The 4 into 1's look tough. Also just a question on compatibility, what would be the main difference in the same set of pipes but 1 being for a softail and 1 for a Dyna? I'm imagining that it would just be the rear bracket? If this is the only thing , in theory if I couldn't find the pipes that I want that are suited for a dyna, could I just get softail ones and change the bracket or are things more complicated than that?
    17 years ago

    u could just make a bracket , but every time u wanted to check oil ud need to pull the pipes of , been there done that with the 4 into1, there also lots bad things about there finish acording to  the sites

  • syco_bob
    17 years ago
    oh thanks for that BM, I didn't even cross my mind that the softail have the oil tank under the seat. Lucky. I think I'll just wait for the black short shots to come in from back order. Latest update is they'll be in about a week from now. Not holding my breath though :(
    17 years ago

     NP , have u considerd the fatcat ?