Online: Ultramick

Biker, 40, dead in Gosnells???

  • BillyWhizz
    17 years ago,21598,22885643-2761,00.html

    December 07, 2007 10:00am

    A 40-YEAR-OLD Gosnells man died overnight after his Harley Davidson motorcycle hit a concrete kerb and he was thrown from his bike.

    The man was riding in a north easterly direction along Dorothy Street towards the railway crossing near Wheatley Street in Gosnells just before 7pm when the accident occurred.

    He overtook a Nissan Navara travelling in front and then attempted to return to the correct side of the road.

    After doing this, he skidded and hit a concrete kerb and was thrown across the handlebars and onto the road.

    The Nissan which was then following has run over the man as he lay on the road.

    The man died later in hospital.

    His death brings the road toll this year to 215.

  • kingchops
    17 years ago
    Terrible news. My thoughts with the family also.
  • Uncle Ho
    Uncle Ho
    17 years ago

    f%*k... RIP... condolences to family and friends... terrible way to go... feel for the driver

  • Bobtail
    17 years ago

    Gee that's sad news, any death on the road is. Commiserations to all concerned.

    I do feel that we bike riders take unnecessary risks at times, I'm guilty of it myself. The need to pass a car fast and in tight situations seems to be the norm, instead of waiting for a more oppertune and safe time to do so.

    Please ride safe guys and gals.


  • sportytrace
    17 years ago
    Yes, thoughts are with the rider and driver and their families.
    We've had 24 motorcycle deaths on Gold Coast roads this year. Three were on HDs... one died after a tyre that fell from a 4WD hit him. One was a good mate I'd been riding with just the day before. The other was the most recent... 5am Saturday morning on the M1. And last week a neighbour died going down Tamborine on his Yammy; that one was sad as his wife and their young kids came across the crash scene about 30mins after it happened. I was riding home when the ambo's passed me... very sobering.
  • Bear
    17 years ago
    Damn, sends a shiver down the spine every time you hear something like this.
    My thoughts are with everyone involved.

    Keep keepin the shiny side up guys.
  • BillyWhizz
    17 years ago
    A Warning....
    The offcie of road safety predicts 33 fatalities between Nov & end of January

  • 07deluxxxe
    17 years ago

    shit........ talk about close to home , 5 minutes down the road from my place , all respects to his and hers and the driver

    i was out that night as the weather was perfect

  • fez
    17 years ago
    Condolences to all those concerned. Keep safe fellow bikers
  • alchemist
    17 years ago
    a couple of spark plugs and bolts in your pocket does the trick.
  • wildgoose71
    17 years ago

    Just to set the record straight for those that read our local rag, the West Australian Newspaper incorrectly ran an article naming the rider as a Nominee of the GJMC. After many angry phone calls and heated discussions they made a half-arsed attempt at a retraction in last Tuesdays paper. They hid it in the last pragraph of a tiny article about the road toll.  Typical sensationalism from the most monopolized rag in the country - they didnt think to mention his son, his fiance, the fact that he was a hard worker and a top bloke - nah never let the truth get in the way of a good story. They based all this on the fact that a GJ was at the scene - the fact is that he just happened to be passing by and rendered assistance to a fellow rider.

    And they paint us as the riff raff?

  • wildgoose71
    17 years ago

    We'll be holding a run in his memory.

  • wildgoose71
    17 years ago

    can or can't?

  • Scorp
    17 years ago

    I  may not have known your mate but as a fellow biker I would like to be there in spirit.

    Keep the wind at your back  and the sun shining on you all

  • wildgoose71
    17 years ago

    The run was a roaring success, the riding was awesome, the campsites were first class and the company was as good as it gets.

    We all came home in one piece despite a couple of fuck ups on the first day.