Has any one got pics or instructions on how to secure or keep open the stupid exhaust flapper thingy on a 08 dyna?
www.hdforums.com.au/Default.aspx u can buy something for 30 bucks or so or spend it on beer and use a self tapper . open it screw it in u may have to drill a small first well i didn
Can anyone tell me what is the purpose of that flap anyway ?
I nioticed that the flap opens up when you turn the ignition on and then stays open while the engine is running.
I've got an '07 Fatbob, but have bought a set of Vance and Hines Short Shots. After fitting them, I've got a set of baffles on order... but I'm wondering what to do about the exhaust flapper cable! I'm thinking of delving in and just removing the cable, and the electronic side will be happy...???? Has anyone got thoughts or experience on this? Can I just remove the cable?
I should start making my own threads, instead of misdirecting other threads