WA to Secede from Australia

  • Uncle Ho
    Uncle Ho
    17 years ago

     .... cracking idea karl.... to be fair to the rest we could always call for a referendum but we all know that would be a wast of time as everyone acknowledges that we have the numbers




  • Uncle Ho
    Uncle Ho
    17 years ago

    your probably still ok rt.... looks like an ornament and never ridden!!!  

  • GREG
    17 years ago
    I lived in Karratha for a few years. All of us from other states had a saying. "When ya get here you turn ya clock back 3 hours and ya mind back 15 years"

    People used to think us North Queenslanders are slow, try NW WA.

  • OSP1340
    17 years ago
    You guys kill me. I'm just going to watch this one.
  • Top Bloke
    Top Bloke
    17 years ago

    I dont think it makes a lot of difference - where I am you can't find a West Aussie for all the bloody victorians and kiwis. Just goes to show the rabbit proof fence is crap!!

  • Harleyglide
    17 years ago

    A West Australian and a South Australian find an ornate bottle on the beach while fishing on the border.

    The West Australian procedes to polish it and out pops a genie. The genie says "I have been trapped in that bottle for years of course I will grant you two wishes", seeing as though you cleaned it you can go first.

    So the West Australian says "I would like a twelve foot rabbit proof fence built all around my glorious state to keep out the inbreeds,sporster riders and poor eastern states people". With a click of the genies fingers a Twelve foot rabbit proof concrete fence appears right around the state.

    He turns to the interbreeding sporster riding poor South Australian and says "what would you like my friend"

    The South Australian replies "just fill it with water"

  • cattleprod
    17 years ago
    Hutt river provence again 'eh?? hehe.
  • kingchops
    17 years ago
    I don't think you guys have thought this through properly. The English beat the Aboriginies to take control of WA along with the rest of the country, then the whole lot became Australia.
    If you guys split away then the land goes back to Aboriginal ownership. It happened in Honk Kong man who got that? The Chinese.
  • cattleprod
    17 years ago
    England leased honkers for 100 years. Thats after the chinese said they wouldn't supply opium anymore.
    Maybe if we didn't supply WA with opium/smack/whatever......
  • kensim
    17 years ago
    yea rockingham is a bit like nz,but not being nasty wa is a bit behind the east,it actually supprised me abit when i went there,i still like it though.
  • Mungrel
    17 years ago

    Only just read this thread. Every LOL line of it. Geez I love Australia.