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Nightster 2025 Fuel Tank Size !

  • GGUser509
    Hi I was looking at the 2025 Nightster until I read the size of the fuel tank ! 11 litres ! What were HD thinking of.?  That is very inadequate ! thats about 200kms , range. No option for a larger tank , as its under the seat !!
  • tussuck
    Thats one fucking ugly bike!  there is pretty much zero Harley aesthetic there.

    You would better off buying a honda vulcan!

  • paulybronco
    Well after Trumpy brought in tariffs bet Harley are very anxious about their future...they need every sale they can muster 
  • obisteve
    And welcome to the forum from Tussuck, GGuser509.
    Some of us on here are pretty forthright in our opinions.
    And he's partly right, but not completely. The main link to the old Sportsters is that it's a smaller, lighter bike than the big twins that goes a bit harder and handles a bit better (once suspensions been improved) than many of the big twin models. So Harley is trying hard to force feed tradition into it by styling the back end like a 90s and up Sporty and shaping whatever that cover is like the original 2.25 US gallon Sporty tank from the 60s up. That's about 8.3 litres. They've always had a small tank, my King Sporty tank I fitted to mine after 2 years has 10 litres, many of the later ones had an 11 litre one.
    So a small tank is part of the Sporty tradition, didn't stop people buying one.
    And even with the tiny tank you can still get into some remote places.
    Ride one, see if you like it, if you do buy it
     It won't be the most convenient bike but you'll learn to cope. I have over the last 35 years. Been to some isolated places too.
    And if you can find a Honda Vulcan, buy it too. It will be the only one in the world, a real collector item.