Online: Hilly

Aussie icon staying in Australia

  • Hilly
    2 days ago
    An apt response lmao
  • paulybronco
    2 days ago
    My good mate had a toe cut off from a industrial accident from steel toe boots....extreme situation of a bobcat bucket being slammed down on his foot, squashed the steel toe flat . Lives in a mansion by the sea from the payout.
  • evo94
    PETA made a complaint of your username?
  • Hilly
    Seen an apprentice boily try to weld a spike onto his steel cap while he was wearing it, he kicked that boot off so quick 😂
  • Hilly
    Quoting GGUser687 on 21 Mar 2025 09:33 AM

    I had that conversation about the steel toe caps  with a young fella who rode a Jap bike.

    He was lecturing me on how dangerous they could be so I asked him why is it dangerous.
    He went on to tell me in a very knowledgeable tone that if I ever get involved in an accident that the nurses and doctors in the Emergency Department will have trouble cutting through the steel toe caps.
    I shook my head and told him to fuck off.

    Quoting beaglebasher on 21 Mar 2025 11:08 AMedited: 21 Mar 2025 07:51 PM

    I don't know what the fuck is going on here. 

    I got a new computer recently and for some reason I am now called
    What is going on there?

    Quoting 408 on 21 Mar 2025 10:33 PMedited: 21 Mar 2025 10:34 PM

    Have you still got your old computer ?
    Log on from both and see if the site shows both usernames as being online.  You may be able to talk to yourself.

    I reckon he already does that 😂😂😂
  • Wanderer57
    Quoting paulybronco on 21 Mar 2025 10:08 AM

    My good mate had a toe cut off from a industrial accident from steel toe boots....extreme situation of a bobcat bucket being slammed down on his foot, squashed the steel toe flat . Lives in a mansion by the sea from the payout.

    I guess one mans wine is another mans poison. Back in the middle 90s was riding my XS650, here in Townsville, on the way home from work. There was an accident in the Bohle so Bike cop and ambos already on scene. I was trundling along and right in front of me a ute, a real one, (before they became a fashion accessory with tents on the roof) pulled from the right, obscured as the traffic the other way was standing still. Tried to lay the bike but leg was caught under it so we both slid together. I didn't hit the ute but slid under the front and ended up on the drivers side. Sitting there dusting myself off with skin off etc. The cop raced up to see if i was OK. Shaken and stirred a little. He handed me a steel cap. I said haven't seen that before. He said look down at your boot. Steel cap ripped out and he said if you didn't have safety boots then you'd be minus some toes. 
    Decent old school cops back then. He came to visit me a week later to make sure if I was OK.