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Aussie icon staying in Australia

  • paulybronco
    16 days ago
    King Island Dairy is coming back into Australian hands! πŸ‡¦πŸ‡ΊπŸ€
    I'd like to introduce you all to Nick and Graeme here, who will be the new owners of this iconic brand.
    They've got a world of experience in the cheesemaking game and are already thinking about ways to expand the world-class product range.
    Nick will soon be relocating permanently to the Island to work on the floor and oversee the big investment that they're making into the dairy- a great thing for the community.
    All the best to Nick and Graeme!
  • obisteve
    16 days ago
    Great to see this happen.
    I was very happy to Bega foods buy back a batch of Kraft owned brands a few years ago too. Vegemite is been Oz owned since then.
  • paulybronco
    16 days ago
    Right with you Steve....hopefully we support them when we can.
  • Hilly
    16 days ago
    The free piss was flowing in the pub the other night, I wasn't there but they reckon it was a good night.
  • paulybronco
    16 days ago
    Quoting Hilly on 12 Mar 2025 11:56 AM

    The free piss was flowing in the pub the other night, I wasn't there but they reckon it was a good night.

    Lets hope that goes on to bumper sales as well...great outcome for the island and the wider community.
  • JFE
    12 days ago
    The one competitive advantage Australia should have is supplying food to ourselves and the rest of world. But man, we make it hard and expensive for ourselves to do that. 
  • paulybronco
    12 days ago
    Quoting JFE on 16 Mar 2025 03:38 AM

    The one competitive advantage Australia should have is supplying food to ourselves and the rest of world. But man, we make it hard and expensive for ourselves to do that. 

    And top of the list for expense is cost of labour.
  • Hilly
    12 days ago
    Quoting JFE on 16 Mar 2025 03:38 AM

    The one competitive advantage Australia should have is supplying food to ourselves and the rest of world. But man, we make it hard and expensive for ourselves to do that. 

    Quoting paulybronco on 16 Mar 2025 04:11 AM

    And top of the list for expense is cost of labour.

    Price you pay for living in a first world country, pretty sure that's why most manufacturers fucked of to Asia once tariffs came down, cheap labour, bigger profits, higher chance of survival, no easy answers but fucking the working class over ain't gunna fly, Jesus I know plenty of people with more than one job now.
  • paulybronco
    12 days ago
    Not sure its about fucking the working class over its just that we now have the crazy non merit basis where a unskilled person can make more money being a stop go person under the CFMEU than a surgeon saving lives in a hospital. We used to have a skills/qualification system that would pay you based on those skills and unskilled people where paid less. The incentive was to upskill for bigger pay but some either couldn't or wouldn't.  Here on the coast concreters are paying labourers anywhere from $50-$80 per hour.
  • Hilly
    11 days ago
    I don't see what the wage of a brickies labourer or a stop go girl has got to do with Rossi and Blundstone taking their boot manufacturing facilities overseas? Manufacturing, with all the overheads, not just wages, was too expensive here to compete against imports once the tariffs came down, despite the 1975 Lima Deceleration we still had a manufacturing industry here in the 80's, businesses in a great many cases moved manufacturing offshore to reduce the overheads, including wages to actually stay in business, many of them still employ hundreds of Australians in their warehouses, distribution centres and systems, there were some that no doubt moved to maximise corporate profits that maybe could of survived here but I've not got an example handy, I know you know all this, saying that wages are the biggest "problem" is slight of hand, they may be the most expensive part of the equation in some cases but many things come into play. 
    People need a decent wage to live here, cutting wages is not the answer, cutting bullshit programs is a way to claw back a little but it doesn't address the root problems, I don't have the answers but my taxes pay people that are supposed to come up with them, be they labour liberal or whatever I don't care, I just expect them to do the jobs they are paid to do, just like the stop go girl is.
    I see china now has a "dark factory", operates in the dark, the machines don't need light to do their job, that's the sort of thing that could perhaps work here as well, people are still needed to look after it all but it churns out product around the clock to feed the world what it needs, work smarter not harder.
  • paulybronco
    11 days ago
    Hilly not saying that cutting wages is the answer as we have gone way beyond that point in Australia. The single biggest expense to business is the cost of the team, was always and will be into the future. All the other expenses have also added burden to businesses along the way with this power debacle ramming it right into costs. You mentioned Blunderstone who now manufacture in India and other countries. Aussie factory worker $24.10 +$2.77 super plus holidays plus sick days...just call it $27 per hr vs Indian worker $4.50 and in most cases the employer deducts their Super from the wage not adds it like ours. Its a no brainer for a company heavily reliant on labour to move offshore. Think you and i will be waiting a very long time before before we see a polly doing what they are paid for.
    Worth noting that Australia came in 61 out of 63 nations for productivity and the today the Greens announced their 4 day work week but receive 5days pay.  
  • obisteve
    11 days ago
    It's often forgotten these days that when 3% compulsory superannuation was introduced in Australia, back when the country had a far more centralised wage setting system that took into account such forgotten values as fairness, the union movement traded off a 3% wage increase for super. They're called employer contributions, but workers helped pay for them with foregone pay.
    There was a planned introduction of a direct 3% employee contribution in 1997, but the Howard govt. scrapped that as a popularity booster in '96.
    And waiting for a real set of policies from government to solve our economic woes? It's gonna take a while, all parties approach this looking at it through their ideological bias.
    It will be interesting to see how the current radical experiment works in the US.
    And buy Mongrel boots, they're still made in Oz.

  • paulybronco
    11 days ago
    Well its going to be total chaos if we end up with a minority government regardless of the persuasion. If i was in opposition taking on this current mess i would ask to see the books first before saying i can do better....Crisafulli has found a fair few vacant piggy boxes and petty cash floats that should have had money in them. If you have a rainy boring day try watching a senate estimates hearing to see how government is structured so that its impossible to find a individual whos accountable for a fuck up...will make you sick. You or i make a legit mistake on a tax return and see what department blows their budget by 10 million and it gets ticked off as ok. 
  • Hilly
    10 days ago
    Jesus! watching that is the very definition of self flagellation.
  • Hilly
    10 days ago
    Steve, its Mongrels and an old pair of RM's here.
  • flstc08
    10 days ago
    do they make motorcycle boots. My Rossis are at the of their life, nearly, after about 12 years. 
  • flstc08
    10 days ago
    good enough for me, but, I have used steel caps before, and the are really cold in the winter. I see there are no caps available, so I will give them a go.
  • Hilly
    10 days ago
    Fair point on the cold, I didn't have that issue in Townsville haha.