Online: beaglebasher

Low fuel light

  • PappaSmurf
    17 days ago
    Hi all
    I recently purchased a 2009 FLHTCU (Ultra Classic) and the fuel light comes on when I fill it up, but doesn’t come on when I get low on fuel. My first guess is something is connected back to front. Before I pull the tank apart does anyone have any idea where to look first?
  • paulybronco
    17 days ago
    If i recall there's a electrical connection under the tank but it only plugs in one way. Check the fuel sender inside the tank would be my first look.
  • Hilly
    17 days ago
    Some fucker may of done some dodgy shit in the past, I'd start with wiring on the outside, then the sender unit itself.
    17 days ago
    Take the console off tank and should be plug there to power the fuel pump and i think gauge