Learn self defence!

  • paulybronco
    1 month
    So now the cops in Victoria have not only lost the fight against crime they have lost the plot....the new advice from them is to learn self defence as they cant respond to calls. So this will be interesting when a group of machete wielding kids are kicking your door in....anyone have a clue of how your going to defend yourself and family till the ambo comes to pick you up.
  • Soapbox2627
    1 month
    Repeal the outrageous gun laws that allow me to own them yet keep them in a locked safe and rendered useable, yet, I am the one that can access them and re activate them when ever I want to,

    now this is usless if animals are coming through my door as I will need at least a couple minutes to open make good the weapon, then load.
    all while under duress

    I and the family would be in a blue or already is a whole world of hurt by then
  • flstc08
    1 month
    Quoting paulybronco on 20 Jan 2025 08:50 AM

    So now the cops in Victoria have not only lost the fight against crime they have lost the plot....the new advice from them is to learn self defence as they cant respond to calls. So this will be interesting when a group of machete wielding kids are kicking your door in....anyone have a clue of how your going to defend yourself and family till the ambo comes to pick you up.

    when you ring 000, say they have guns. If that fails, start with 12g, and work your way down to 0.303. If that fails use the 1cm dia. stainless steel rod that you have behind the door, or a baseball bat, or even a Masterchef knife conveniently left on the hall table.  They are really, really fucking sharp. 
    Remember to scratch, that way you will have their DNA under your cold dead fingernails. 

  • B0nes
    1 month
    Quoting paulybronco on 20 Jan 2025 08:50 AM

    So now the cops in Victoria have not only lost the fight against crime they have lost the plot....the new advice from them is to learn self defence as they cant respond to calls. So this will be interesting when a group of machete wielding kids are kicking your door in....anyone have a clue of how your going to defend yourself and family till the ambo comes to pick you up.

    Quoting flstc08 on 20 Jan 2025 09:09 AM


    when you ring 000, say they have guns. If that fails, start with 12g, and work your way down to 0.303. If that fails use the 1cm dia. stainless steel rod that you have behind the door, or a baseball bat, or even a Masterchef knife conveniently left on the hall table.  They are really, really fucking sharp. 
    Remember to scratch, that way you will have their DNA under your cold dead fingernails. 

    Nearly took a finger off with those bloody Masterchef knives. Didn't even notice until the chopping board turned red. When finished with these scum, drag their bodies out onto the road then tell the cops you have no idea what happened as you were in bed with the wife
  • obisteve
    1 month
    Well whatdya know, for $70 at Bunnings, by special order, you can get a Cyclone cane knife. Although the illustration is of an English made Crocodile brand one. Still, I'd trust the steel in either of them to be good trade quality stuff.
    Every household should have one. Dunno if you have to take in a stalk of sugar cane to prove you have a need for one.
    And I like the advice about garbage disposal BOnes. Reminds me of Lou Reeds advice that I kept in mind when my parties were a lot less sedate than they are now, if they OD at your party, just take them out and leave them in the middle of the road and in the morning they're just another hit and run.
  • B0nes
    1 month
    Speaking of garbage disposal. When the old man retired from the army after 30 years he decided to become an armed security guard. While doing the training course a young guy asked about firing a warning shot first. The old man told him to shoot the prick first then fire the warning shot. But apparently if you have time to fire a warning shot, you have time to run away, so the bleeding-hearts say.
  • paulybronco
    1 month
    Quoting B0nes on 21 Jan 2025 10:57 PMedited: 21 Jan 2025 10:57 PM

    Speaking of garbage disposal. When the old man retired from the army after 30 years he decided to become an armed security guard. While doing the training course a young guy asked about firing a warning shot first. The old man told him to shoot the prick first then fire the warning shot. But apparently if you have time to fire a warning shot, you have time to run away, so the bleeding-hearts say.

    When my young fella went thru a stage of wanting to join the army we went to a information night together......at the end the room was open to general questions and a young guy asked if he would be required to learn how to shoot a weapon....when told he was, he stood up and shouted something about condemning violence and war and stormed out.....he probably now our minister for defence.
  • B0nes
    1 month
    Quoting B0nes on 21 Jan 2025 10:57 PMedited: 21 Jan 2025 10:57 PM

    Speaking of garbage disposal. When the old man retired from the army after 30 years he decided to become an armed security guard. While doing the training course a young guy asked about firing a warning shot first. The old man told him to shoot the prick first then fire the warning shot. But apparently if you have time to fire a warning shot, you have time to run away, so the bleeding-hearts say.

    Quoting paulybronco on 22 Jan 2025 02:14 AM

    When my young fella went thru a stage of wanting to join the army we went to a information night together......at the end the room was open to general questions and a young guy asked if he would be required to learn how to shoot a weapon....when told he was, he stood up and shouted something about condemning violence and war and stormed out.....he probably now our minister for defence.

    Sounds like the guy the old man talked about. Australia was about to enter the Gulf War and this one guy bitched about going because he joined the army for a career, not to fight anyone. He was "politely" told to leave by some of his peers because they wouldn't trust him to have their backs
  • Hilly
    1 month
    But his mother claims her poor little crim invading someones home armed with a machete is the victim! The law needs to look at any of this sort of shit the way they do drink driving, ie, you shouldn't be there in the first place so you are automatically in the wrong and are not the bloody victim! Right outcome in this case but probably only because old mate got chopped up a bit as well.
  • Humbug
    1 month
    What I find disgusting is the picture of the parents! Tragically taken my arse!
    Deserved everything he got. 
    Ol mate done what any father would do to protect his family and his castle, hope his is doing alright. 
  • Soapbox2627
    1 month
    I have no sympathy for his family, they look like they have a couple dollars so appear like he was not raised in poor conditions and likely had no reason to be raiding houses,

    there could be more to the story of how "random" was the house he entered
  • paulybronco
    1 month
    Quoting Hilly on 24 Jan 2025 06:45 AM

    But his mother claims her poor little crim invading someones home armed with a machete is the victim! The law needs to look at any of this sort of shit the way they do drink driving, ie, you shouldn't be there in the first place so you are automatically in the wrong and are not the bloody victim! Right outcome in this case but probably only because old mate got chopped up a bit as well.

    I think we need to adopt some rules that give you the right to use ANY force in your own/rented home .
  • paulybronco
    1 month
    So this weekend good old Victoria are preparing for massive pro palestine and aboriginal march on Australia day.....Vic police solution...shut your shop, secure your venue and don't come to wk in case YOU incite the crowd!
  • paulybronco
    1 month
    Katter party are trying to pass a bill in Qld for Castle Law....not sure it will ever get off the ground but at least theres a bit of a undercurrent of recognition that more needs to be done.
  • evo94
    1 month
    dont know how much supposedly 40,000 QLD resident support would carry, but good luck to Katter on this one...
  • paulybronco
    1 month
    Its a everyday occurrence now, last night a woman had a machete held against her throat just to steal her car in Brisbane.
  • Hilly
    1 month
    I thought king David was gunna sort that shit out on day one?
  • paulybronco
    1 month
    Ha Ha Hilly not sure those were his words but he has hit the road running getting the adult crime adult time promise over the line. Sadly it seems to be the judges that are dropping the ball here. Read about a truckie hitting and killing a motorcyclist, not stopping and when found denied it but his dashcam had him say "little cunt came out in front of me and hit me " He was found guilty again after pleading he never knew he hit anyone and was given 12mths jail but freed immediately as he had already done three months and lost his lic for 12mths....sorry a bit off topic here but WTF!!
  • B0nes
    1 month
    Quoting Hilly on 03 Feb 2025 01:48 AM

    I thought king David was gunna sort that shit out on day one?

    Just like the little turd that stabbed the Coles worker. Charged with attempted murder. Won't do adult time because "Attempted murder" is not on the list but "Murder" is, along with "Assault occasioning actual bodily harm". Figure that one out because I can't.