Learn self defence!

  • fatbat
    1 month
    Quoting GGUser260 on 03 Feb 2025 08:00 AM

    "Reason to be raiding houses"...poor or not, there is no reason

    Quoting obisteve on 03 Feb 2025 09:54 AMedited: 03 Feb 2025 09:59 AM

    Maybe, but I've gone in through a front door in Brisbane in the 70's at 3am one Saturday morning, the magic hour for this sort of stuff, carrying a sledge hammer followed by my 6'4" 14 stone rugby playing mate, recently discharged and a bit bored with civvy street, with the axe. A bit reprehensible, but we came out with a stolen Norton that the owner was very glad to get back. It could have been a bit more dangerous then, Qld had no firearms laws, if you wanted a pump 12g or a semi auto .22 just go down to your local sports store and buy off the shelf, if you wanted a mini 14 or SKS, a gun shop was always happy to help. Safe storage was considered to be in a wardrobe, although the  coppers understandably took a dim view of finding them stored loaded.

    Nortons were light enough to roll down the front steps of a high set Queenslander and up a plank into the back of an Inter AA110. The 3 blokes in the house were too pissed and stoned and surprised to effectively object.

    Quoting flstc08 on 07 Feb 2025 09:03 AM


    a couple of days ago, Wednesday, my puppy barked at 04.15, woke me up, so I looked out the window and saw 2 black clad people at my car. I ran down stairs with my stick through the front door and politely asked them to leave. I was going to chase them but I thought the sight of an aging naked man running around the streets might be too much.  
    Pedro the puppy received a treat for his effort.
    Pedro is an 7 year old adult standard poodle, who varies between an excellent watch dog who would take your arm off, and a chick magnet at the local dog park.

    Thanks for the laugh about Pedro’s two strengths, particularly the latter 
  • beaglebasher
    1 month
    I retired recently and have been thinking about getting a mutt.
    Anybody got any recommendations on what sort of dog I should get?
    Serious  question. 

  • Jay-Dee
    1 month
    Quoting beaglebasher on 08 Feb 2025 12:44 PM

    I retired recently and have been thinking about getting a mutt.

    Anybody got any recommendations on what sort of dog I should get?
    Serious  question. 

    Probably not a Beagle.
  • GGUser260
    1 month
    Quoting beaglebasher on 08 Feb 2025 12:44 PM

    I retired recently and have been thinking about getting a mutt.

    Anybody got any recommendations on what sort of dog I should get?
    Serious  question. 

    Staffordshire Bull Terrier  aka "Staffy"
  • obisteve
    1 month
    Is he just smiling or straining to have a shit?
  • flstc08
    1 month
    Quoting obisteve on 09 Feb 2025 01:04 AM

    Is he just smiling or straining to have a shit?

    he is deciding which limb to rip off first. 
  • Hilly
    1 month
    Quoting beaglebasher on 08 Feb 2025 12:44 PM

    I retired recently and have been thinking about getting a mutt.

    Anybody got any recommendations on what sort of dog I should get?
    Serious  question. 

    Quoting Jay-Dee on 08 Feb 2025 03:53 PM

    Probably not a Beagle.

    LMFAO 🤣
  • flstc08
    1 month
    Quoting beaglebasher on 08 Feb 2025 12:44 PM

    I retired recently and have been thinking about getting a mutt.

    Anybody got any recommendations on what sort of dog I should get?
    Serious  question. 

    when I was thinking about a dog, I was told [by my darling of 51 years],
    . don't get a dog
    . don't get a big dog
    . don't get a white dog
    . don't get a long haired dog
    . don't get a vicious dog, [we look after our grand kids],
    So, one day one of our kids asked "would you like a poodle ? 
    Sure, says I, a poodle, 40 or 50 cm long, 30 cm high, a cute little puppy.
    We go to the breeder, greetings are exchanged, and Pedro the poodle comes out, over the gate and rests his front paws on my shoulders. Instant bonding. 
    He is gentle with the grand kids, warns us when someone is approaching the house, is an absolute chick magnet at the dog park and soccer. 
    About 70 cm long, 38cm high and about 30kg. 
    And he a real darling, and, he doesn't shed any  hair. 
    Be prepared to brush him every day, clean his ears and eyes every couple of days and visit the groomer every month.

  • obisteve
    1 month
    Depends where and how you live Beags. If you live where there are paralysis ticks, I suggest not getting a long haired one. If you live where it gets over 35°, I suggest not getting one with a squashed up face, vet bills are gonna be expensive, so not Bulldogs or French bulldogs.
    If it's gonna come inside, don't get a Maremma, it's like living inside a snowdome.
    If you live where it gets down below 0°, don't get a Chinese crested,  it's gonna want to burrow under your bedcovers. Avoid Chihuahuas like the plague, if you're a bit portly there's a danger that you'll spear one up your clacker when you sit down on a couch and spend the next couple of days looking around for it. Anything over 40 kilos gets expensive to feed.
    Of course, we've got all of those here at the moment.
    Traditional old blokes dog is a Jack Russell terrier,  cheap to feed, active, inquisitive, good mate, good listener.
    But really, I've had everything from a Kangaroo dog/Doberman cross, 60 kg curly coated retriever, miniature poodle, really a bush pig poodle always covered with lantana leaves and oil and dirt but could be relied on to attack dingoes on sight and need to be stitched up, a wolfhound shepherd cross with ears that looked like there was some donkey in there, almost lost track of how many. Buried a succession of them down by the creek at Obi. It always hurt when they died.
    Gary Larson nailed the image, once you see it you can't forget.

  • Stuart
    1 month
    Biased opinion here Beags - if you have the time and motivation to train and excerise a dog, a Blue Heeler won't let you down.
  • Hilly
    1 month
    No one size fits all, I'm a sucker for rescue mongrels these days, I haven't had a pure bred since 1996, that was a black lab, before that it was GSP's and Brittany Spaniels with a couple of mutts mixed in, I let the rescues pick me, we give them a good life, currently have a wolfhound x and a foxy cross that looks more Tenterfield like, talkative little fucker.
  • obisteve
    1 month
    Good point Hilly, you'll know when one of them picks you Beags, could be a stray mongrel, could be at a rescue place or the pound.
  • beaglebasher
    1 month
    Thanks for the suggestions fellas.
    I've had a good think about it and have decided to put it off for a while yet. Obi mentioned a Jack Russell. Agree with what you said about them.
    I bought one for my neice when she was about 4 years old and it turned out to be the best natured little dog you could hope for. Pretty smart too.
    When it comes to the time I will probably think about getting a rescue dog if I can find a young un.
  • obisteve
    1 month
    In the mean time you can practice meeting the old bloke with Jack Russell dress code. 😀 

  • boxa
    20 days ago
    Quoting beaglebasher on 08 Feb 2025 12:44 PM

    I retired recently and have been thinking about getting a mutt.

    Anybody got any recommendations on what sort of dog I should get?
    Serious  question. 

    No doubt about it for me its the rottweiler , i'm a dog lover we have never been without dogs , had all sorts ,  heelers are good , lots of good ones , BUT   the two best watch ,/ guard dogs we have ever had were rottys , , no training just came natural , both of them  one male , one female , were the same , had thjem  at different times ,not together ,   just great freindly  familly dogs , freindly with strangers , but both of them it was like they had a switch in there brain at night , they just become great guard dogs , also might sound callous but  they don't live long , so if your retirement age 67 , you don't want a dog thats gonna live till 18 then  be without an owner  if you josh it , rotty will probably die inside 10 years   you might be heart broken  , but  its better than you joshing it and him 10 years and no one wants him , go the rottys
  • paulybronco
    20 days ago
    Loved my rotty and the kids grew up with him....he was 12yrs old when he died in his sleep. 
  • tussuck
    18 days ago
    Give them hard time + compulsory castration!  fuck the little pricks.
  • paulybronco
    18 days ago
    You wont get any argument from me but do gooders will hate it