"Reason to be raiding houses"...poor or not, there is no reason
Maybe, but I've gone in through a front door in Brisbane in the 70's at 3am one Saturday morning, the magic hour for this sort of stuff, carrying a sledge hammer followed by my 6'4" 14 stone rugby playing mate, recently discharged and a bit bored with civvy street, with the axe. A bit reprehensible, but we came out with a stolen Norton that the owner was very glad to get back. It could have been a bit more dangerous then, Qld had no firearms laws, if you wanted a pump 12g or a semi auto .22 just go down to your local sports store and buy off the shelf, if you wanted a mini 14 or SKS, a gun shop was always happy to help. Safe storage was considered to be in a wardrobe, although the coppers understandably took a dim view of finding them stored loaded.
I retired recently and have been thinking about getting a mutt.
Is he just smiling or straining to have a shit?
Probably not a Beagle.