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  • GGUser260
    8 days ago
    Quoting Soapbox2627 on 24 Jan 2025 08:57 AM

    I have no sympathy for his family, they look like they have a couple dollars so appear like he was not raised in poor conditions and likely had no reason to be raiding houses,

    there could be more to the story of how "random" was the house he entered

    "Reason to be raiding houses"...poor or not, there is no reason
  • GGUser260
    8 days ago
    Quoting paulybronco on 02 Feb 2025 11:38 AM

    Katter party are trying to pass a bill in Qld for Castle Law....not sure it will ever get off the ground but at least theres a bit of a undercurrent of recognition that more needs to be done.

    Detached reflection cannot be demanded in the presence of an uplifted knife.
    Dark house, wake to a noise and see a shadow figure inside-is he a Ted Bundy type serial killer, high on ice psycho or sadistic rapist? Who knows or has the time to find out? Fight like a scalded cat until that threat is down. Rather be judged by 12 than carried out by 6.
  • paulybronco
    8 days ago
    Quoting Hilly on 03 Feb 2025 01:48 AM

    I thought king David was gunna sort that shit out on day one?

    Quoting B0nes on 03 Feb 2025 05:08 AM

    Just like the little turd that stabbed the Coles worker. Charged with attempted murder. Won't do adult time because "Attempted murder" is not on the list but "Murder" is, along with "Assault occasioning actual bodily harm". Figure that one out because I can't.

    Seems like the legal team putting the bill together somehow "forgot".....what do you expect for your millions...perfection.lol
  • obisteve
    8 days ago
    Quoting Soapbox2627 on 24 Jan 2025 08:57 AM

    I have no sympathy for his family, they look like they have a couple dollars so appear like he was not raised in poor conditions and likely had no reason to be raiding houses,

    there could be more to the story of how "random" was the house he entered

    Quoting GGUser260 on 03 Feb 2025 08:00 AM

    "Reason to be raiding houses"...poor or not, there is no reason

    Maybe, but I've gone in through a front door in Brisbane in the 70's at 3am one Saturday morning, the magic hour for this sort of stuff, carrying a sledge hammer followed by my 6'4" 14 stone rugby playing mate, recently discharged and a bit bored with civvy street, with the axe. A bit reprehensible, but we came out with a stolen Norton that the owner was very glad to get back. It could have been a bit more dangerous then, Qld had no firearms laws, if you wanted a pump 12g or a semi auto .22 just go down to your local sports store and buy off the shelf, if you wanted a mini 14 or SKS, a gun shop was always happy to help. Safe storage was considered to be in a wardrobe, although the  coppers understandably took a dim view of finding them stored loaded.
    Nortons were light enough to roll down the front steps of a high set Queenslander and up a plank into the back of an Inter AA110. The 3 blokes in the house were too pissed and stoned and surprised to effectively object.
  • Hilly
    8 days ago
    That's different, necessary repossession 
  • paulybronco
    7 days ago
    Credit where its due....Victoria premier has conceded that a tightening of bail laws have not gone far enough in her state. This comes on the back of a repeat offender, while on bail, stole a truck and during a police chase ran a red light and killed a driver. Crime is going to be a big ticket item in this yrs Federal election. 
  • Hilly
    7 days ago
    Too many times have violent fuckers been let out on bail to do more damage or even kill, they have showed their hand, let them answer for that first, err on the side of caution, I don't mean petty shit or tax evasion, the person responsible for bail applications need to use a bit of common sense FFS.
  • obisteve
    7 days ago
    Quoting Hilly on 03 Feb 2025 10:37 AM

    That's different, necessary repossession 

    Well I'm not embarrassed by it, that's for sure.
  • beaglebasher
    7 days ago
    Quoting Soapbox2627 on 24 Jan 2025 08:57 AM

    I have no sympathy for his family, they look like they have a couple dollars so appear like he was not raised in poor conditions and likely had no reason to be raiding houses,

    there could be more to the story of how "random" was the house he entered

    Quoting GGUser260 on 03 Feb 2025 08:00 AM

    "Reason to be raiding houses"...poor or not, there is no reason

    Quoting obisteve on 03 Feb 2025 09:54 AMedited: 03 Feb 2025 09:59 AM

    Maybe, but I've gone in through a front door in Brisbane in the 70's at 3am one Saturday morning, the magic hour for this sort of stuff, carrying a sledge hammer followed by my 6'4" 14 stone rugby playing mate, recently discharged and a bit bored with civvy street, with the axe. A bit reprehensible, but we came out with a stolen Norton that the owner was very glad to get back. It could have been a bit more dangerous then, Qld had no firearms laws, if you wanted a pump 12g or a semi auto .22 just go down to your local sports store and buy off the shelf, if you wanted a mini 14 or SKS, a gun shop was always happy to help. Safe storage was considered to be in a wardrobe, although the  coppers understandably took a dim view of finding them stored loaded.

    Nortons were light enough to roll down the front steps of a high set Queenslander and up a plank into the back of an Inter AA110. The 3 blokes in the house were too pissed and stoned and surprised to effectively object.

    I walked into a gun shop in Mt Isa when I was 22 years old. They had the SKS on special. For $272 you could buy one with a scope and a 5 round magazine or dont worry about the scope and buy one for the same price with two 30 round magazines.
    I went for the two banana magazines.  And one thousand bullets. ( the bullets were 20 cents a piece) I think from memory I had to show my driving licence and nothing else.

    Johnny Howard was a snivelling little cunt but I think he probably did the right thing by getting those weapons off the street.

  • paulybronco
    7 days ago
  • obisteve
    7 days ago
    Did you manage to fire off the 1000 rounds Beags?
    Love your forthright assessment of past national leaders too, don't start to pull your punches mate.
  • Hilly
    6 days ago
    They were fun though Beages, I had a mini 14 with multiple mags, a 30 and a couple of 20's, my brother's and cousins had SKK's and SKS's, campsite rifle rack was them all standing up with the bayonet rammed into the ground, we didn't shoot anyone but the fuckwits of society were starting to, a toy that didn't do my hearing much good, I do miss my Breda though, good duck gun that.
  • paulybronco
    6 days ago
    Two interesting developments overnight......full marks to Vic detectives seen t boning a holden ute containing two scumbags who had committed several armed home invasions. This was a full on 40-60kph hit on the ute destroying both vehicles. Both crims were currently on bail. 
    The second case is interesting  a couple in QLD had their vehicle stolen from their locked garage. Crims broke in via the laundry entered the garage and drove the car away. Cops etc called, footage provided but the insurer wont pay as the key was left in the centre consul. Fine print on policies now seem to have a clause indicating that the keys are secured and stored safely away from the car. The owners are defending their actions saying that the last thing they want is armed randoms walking around their home searching for the keys. Anyone whos ever received armed hold up training is taught to comply and give the offender what they came for. Budget direct are not budging on their decision. 

  • obisteve
    6 days ago
    Quoting GGUser260 on 03 Feb 2025 08:00 AM

    "Reason to be raiding houses"...poor or not, there is no reason

    Quoting obisteve on 03 Feb 2025 09:54 AMedited: 03 Feb 2025 09:59 AM

    Maybe, but I've gone in through a front door in Brisbane in the 70's at 3am one Saturday morning, the magic hour for this sort of stuff, carrying a sledge hammer followed by my 6'4" 14 stone rugby playing mate, recently discharged and a bit bored with civvy street, with the axe. A bit reprehensible, but we came out with a stolen Norton that the owner was very glad to get back. It could have been a bit more dangerous then, Qld had no firearms laws, if you wanted a pump 12g or a semi auto .22 just go down to your local sports store and buy off the shelf, if you wanted a mini 14 or SKS, a gun shop was always happy to help. Safe storage was considered to be in a wardrobe, although the  coppers understandably took a dim view of finding them stored loaded.

    Nortons were light enough to roll down the front steps of a high set Queenslander and up a plank into the back of an Inter AA110. The 3 blokes in the house were too pissed and stoned and surprised to effectively object.

    Quoting beaglebasher on 04 Feb 2025 10:34 AM

    I walked into a gun shop in Mt Isa when I was 22 years old. They had the SKS on special. For $272 you could buy one with a scope and a 5 round magazine or dont worry about the scope and buy one for the same price with two 30 round magazines.

    I went for the two banana magazines.  And one thousand bullets. ( the bullets were 20 cents a piece) I think from memory I had to show my driving licence and nothing else.

    Johnny Howard was a snivelling little cunt but I think he probably did the right thing by getting those weapons off the street.

    And I must be a bit slow Beags, I've just realised that you've outed yourself as a past Queenslander!
    So all the stirring is really just homesickness?
  • beaglebasher
    5 days ago
    Fuck off !!!
    The only reason I was up in Queensland was because us New South Welshmen had the knowledge and experience to relocate a 15 megawatt steam turbine from the original Musselbrook power station and rebuild  it up in Mt Isa. 
    The local hillbilly Queenslanders would have fucked it up if we didnt supervise the proceedings.
  • obisteve
    5 days ago
    Was that at the old Mica Creek power station?
  • beaglebasher
    4 days ago
    That particular job was in the Mt Isa Mines power station, next door to the copper smelter. 
    The only reason I remember that is cos depending which way the wind was blowing , we would occasionally be engulfed in sulphur fumes and you couldn't fuckin breathe! 
    I did a couple of jobs at the Mica Creek  power station.  The working environment was definitely a bit more pleasant out there.
  • flstc08
    4 days ago
    Quoting Soapbox2627 on 24 Jan 2025 08:57 AM

    I have no sympathy for his family, they look like they have a couple dollars so appear like he was not raised in poor conditions and likely had no reason to be raiding houses,

    there could be more to the story of how "random" was the house he entered

    Quoting GGUser260 on 03 Feb 2025 08:00 AM

    "Reason to be raiding houses"...poor or not, there is no reason

    Quoting obisteve on 03 Feb 2025 09:54 AMedited: 03 Feb 2025 09:59 AM

    Maybe, but I've gone in through a front door in Brisbane in the 70's at 3am one Saturday morning, the magic hour for this sort of stuff, carrying a sledge hammer followed by my 6'4" 14 stone rugby playing mate, recently discharged and a bit bored with civvy street, with the axe. A bit reprehensible, but we came out with a stolen Norton that the owner was very glad to get back. It could have been a bit more dangerous then, Qld had no firearms laws, if you wanted a pump 12g or a semi auto .22 just go down to your local sports store and buy off the shelf, if you wanted a mini 14 or SKS, a gun shop was always happy to help. Safe storage was considered to be in a wardrobe, although the  coppers understandably took a dim view of finding them stored loaded.

    Nortons were light enough to roll down the front steps of a high set Queenslander and up a plank into the back of an Inter AA110. The 3 blokes in the house were too pissed and stoned and surprised to effectively object.

    a couple of days ago, Wednesday, my puppy barked at 04.15, woke me up, so I looked out the window and saw 2 black clad people at my car. I ran down stairs with my stick through the front door and politely asked them to leave. I was going to chase them but I thought the sight of an aging naked man running around the streets might be too much.  
    Pedro the puppy received a treat for his effort.
    Pedro is an 7 year old adult standard poodle, who varies between an excellent watch dog who would take your arm off, and a chick magnet at the local dog park.

  • paulybronco
    4 days ago
    Jesus not nice to hear.....even more disturbing was your statement ..."an aging naked man running around the streets might be too much.
    Pedro the puppy received a treat for his effort."   LOL must have been painful for one or both of you! Just teasing 
  • obisteve
    4 days ago
    Quoting GGUser260 on 03 Feb 2025 08:00 AM

    "Reason to be raiding houses"...poor or not, there is no reason

    Quoting obisteve on 03 Feb 2025 09:54 AMedited: 03 Feb 2025 09:59 AM

    Maybe, but I've gone in through a front door in Brisbane in the 70's at 3am one Saturday morning, the magic hour for this sort of stuff, carrying a sledge hammer followed by my 6'4" 14 stone rugby playing mate, recently discharged and a bit bored with civvy street, with the axe. A bit reprehensible, but we came out with a stolen Norton that the owner was very glad to get back. It could have been a bit more dangerous then, Qld had no firearms laws, if you wanted a pump 12g or a semi auto .22 just go down to your local sports store and buy off the shelf, if you wanted a mini 14 or SKS, a gun shop was always happy to help. Safe storage was considered to be in a wardrobe, although the  coppers understandably took a dim view of finding them stored loaded.

    Nortons were light enough to roll down the front steps of a high set Queenslander and up a plank into the back of an Inter AA110. The 3 blokes in the house were too pissed and stoned and surprised to effectively object.

    Quoting flstc08 on 07 Feb 2025 09:03 AM


    a couple of days ago, Wednesday, my puppy barked at 04.15, woke me up, so I looked out the window and saw 2 black clad people at my car. I ran down stairs with my stick through the front door and politely asked them to leave. I was going to chase them but I thought the sight of an aging naked man running around the streets might be too much.  
    Pedro the puppy received a treat for his effort.
    Pedro is an 7 year old adult standard poodle, who varies between an excellent watch dog who would take your arm off, and a chick magnet at the local dog park.

    Hopefully you got your steel cap boots on before going out the door. They're always a comfort in that sort of situation.