Katter party are trying to pass a bill in Qld for Castle Law....not sure it will ever get off the ground but at least theres a bit of a undercurrent of recognition that more needs to be done.
I thought king David was gunna sort that shit out on day one?
Just like the little turd that stabbed the Coles worker. Charged with attempted murder. Won't do adult time because "Attempted murder" is not on the list but "Murder" is, along with "Assault occasioning actual bodily harm". Figure that one out because I can't.
"Reason to be raiding houses"...poor or not, there is no reason
That's different, necessary repossession
Maybe, but I've gone in through a front door in Brisbane in the 70's at 3am one Saturday morning, the magic hour for this sort of stuff, carrying a sledge hammer followed by my 6'4" 14 stone rugby playing mate, recently discharged and a bit bored with civvy street, with the axe. A bit reprehensible, but we came out with a stolen Norton that the owner was very glad to get back. It could have been a bit more dangerous then, Qld had no firearms laws, if you wanted a pump 12g or a semi auto .22 just go down to your local sports store and buy off the shelf, if you wanted a mini 14 or SKS, a gun shop was always happy to help. Safe storage was considered to be in a wardrobe, although the coppers understandably took a dim view of finding them stored loaded.
I walked into a gun shop in Mt Isa when I was 22 years old. They had the SKS on special. For $272 you could buy one with a scope and a 5 round magazine or dont worry about the scope and buy one for the same price with two 30 round magazines.