Mystery harley part.

  • beehappier
    27 days ago
    I have a 98 fatboy. Under the seat between the battery and the fusebox is a part with a three wires coming out of it. One earth, one positive and a brown wire. It's got a crack in so it needs replacing but I'm not sure what it is yet. 
    Does anyone recognise it?
  • tussuck
    27 days ago
    where does the brown wire go to?
  • Hilly
    27 days ago
    First thought was some sort of load equaliser but it appears to go to earth not power, a wiring schematic would be right handy about now, tussuck will figure it out 😁
  • Hilly
    27 days ago
    Although......going by these two earth is where it would go 🤷

  • tussuck
    27 days ago
    never heard of a load equaliser...(sounds like a sex aid thingy)
    I did think load resistor for LED blinkers maybe.
  • obisteve
    27 days ago
    Sure, Lastanpassung fur blinkrelais, just like the custom chrome label says.
  • obisteve
    26 days ago
    Although the real question here is do you have LED indicators Beehappier?
    Got no idea when they were introduced stock. What are indicators?
  • beehappier
    26 days ago
    Yes it's got led indicators but the resistor is in the wiring somewhere else. The brown wire goes into the wiring loom. My left indicator is playing up and I'm hoping the mystery part makes the indicators flash. 
    Thanks for the tips. 
  • obisteve
    26 days ago
    Only just noticed Ruck, happy with the Antigravity battery?
  • beehappier
    25 days ago
    Yes I'm happy with the battery.  I needed the extra cca. I bought a battery charger for it too. 
  • beehappier
    25 days ago
    Ok. I sent an email with a pic of the part to harley heaven. I should be certain what it is and be able to replace it soon. Thanks. Rick. 
  • beehappier
    25 days ago
    It looks like it was a load equaliser for the led indicators or low watts conversion. Somebody must have installed it for the old low watt indicators on the number plate frame that was on it when I got it. 
    Thanks for the replies.