Online: fatbat

Standard cases

  • rock38
    27 days ago
    Hello all….wots the opinions on boring out standard twin cam 96 cases to fit a 124 hot up kit in ?
  • Hilly
    27 days ago
    That's how it's done, timken bearing is also usually done at the same time but I know of blokes that haven't gone that way and the engine still lives.
  • Hogey
    27 days ago
    IMO do the timkens while in there as S&S advise . 
  • Hoodeng
    26 days ago
    Looks good on the inside, not so good on the outside. This was an engine that the crankshaft had spread in L .016" R.016" runout but flogged hard.
    Pinion shaft could move to the right and showed damage inside the cam support plate and pump, sprocket shaft had nowhere to go but through the bearing, as it is this bearing that locates the crank central to the case.
    124"s in stock bored cases are fine, they have been around for years. The stock bearing? i couldn't say it will fail because of a 124" kit but i would do the Timken conversion anyway.