Geriatric question

  • Far Canal
    Far Canal
    1 month
    I am interested to know if any of the old gents or Sheilas on this forum have had a hip replacement and if so, how long did it stop you riding your bike for?.
  • tussuck
    1 month
    Following as the wife is getting one next June.

  • B0nes
    1 month
    Quoting Far Canal on 11 Sep 2024 11:48 AM

    I am interested to know if any of the old gents or Sheilas on this forum have had a hip replacement and if so, how long did it stop you riding your bike for?.

    Not sure about getting back on a bike but my Step Mother at 78 had a fall and required a hip replacement. From memory she took about a month before she could bend down and work in her garden. Might give you a rough guide with time frame. 2 months after the op she was back pretty much 100%
  • 408
    1 month
    Put it off until next winter.
  • Hilly
    1 month
    Wife had a hip replacement in April, off crutches in 2 weeks, was still sore to about 8 weeks, pain is personal though! she had the anterior version done, they go in through the front, supposed to be a better outcome overall, she has no restrictions.
  • obisteve
    1 month
    My neighbour, good bloke, mid 70's, lifelong keen cyclist, had a hip replacement 2 years ago, was off the bicycle for 12 weeks then back on it very tentatively and painfully. Took about 6 months before pedalling came easily and a year to regain full strength. He's back to riding 50 kms runs on his mountain bike now, which is about 15 kms more than I'm capable of.
  • beaglebasher
    1 month
    Why are you asking FC ?  Do you need to get it done ?
  • Far Canal
    Far Canal
    1 month
    Quoting beaglebasher on 12 Sep 2024 12:17 PM

    Why are you asking FC ?  Do you need to get it done ?

    Good question Beags.
    Truth of the matter is I have had a cunt of a run in the last 5 months or so.
    Managed to drop my softail on myself at the local servo. Got pinned to the ground but luckily had on an elastic sided boot and managed to reef my foot out and get the bike back up. Put my boot back on and the same thing happened again only this time I broke my foot.
    One of those silly accidents that could only happen to someone else, you know.
    Anyway about a month later my foot was nearly healed but still sore and I was getting ready to go to bed and leaned on a door to get my boot off or jeans off and the door was not latched so I went smack into the concrete floor and broke that ball shaped bit on my femur clean through. Ended up with a hell of a bit of metalwork in my leg and was told the other day no motorbikes for 12-18 months which is devastating news.
    So I am wondering why I was not given a hip replacement in hospital as I have heard most folk get over it pretty quick rather than all this metal that is gunner take ages to get better if there is no complications.
  • evo94
    1 month
    may you heal quickly FC...
  • 408
    1 month
    That is shit FC.
    Did the softail overbalance with that big mf rotor you put on the front ?
    To answer your question about the hip replacement : I believe you would have to be measured up for a new hip and have it made to order. The repair would have been the quickest way to get you back out the door.
    Your recovery may be quicker with a new hip but I am not sure that they would go that way from here.
    You could ask the question.
  • beaglebasher
    1 month
    That is a shocking run of bad luck FC. Makes you realise that we are mere mortals after all. 
    A few family members and a few close friends are having health issues too. 
    I don't have a religious bone in my body but that saying " here by the grace of God go I " has always resonated with me.
    All the best with your recovery mate.
  • obisteve
    1 month
    I'm surprised they didn't do a hip replacement then FC, although 408s comment about fastest way to piss you off out the door does sound right.
    Got a callout about midnight 18 months ago to help an ambulance crew stretcher an old bloke from his isolated house, he'd tripped over his cattle dog pup when pissed, laid out in the yard for about 6 hours, he'd broken the ball joint top of the femur off too.
    We all reckoned he wouldn't be back home, break wouldn't heal and that the hospital would only discharge him into aged care.
    I took the pup home for about 3 months, good dog too. But he was back after that, with a new hip joint, they reckoned there was more chance of that being successful than a rod and araldite holding the broken bone bit together.
    And the quacks never want you to ride bikes again. When I did a similar job on the top of my tibia dropping the Sporty on my driveway, the orthopaedic specialist said straight out, And of course you will never ride motorcycles again. 
    I told him he was dreaming, and after some push and shove we settled on 3 months, which I shaved a bit off quietly.
    Hope it heals up well and quickly mate, whichever way you go.
  • Far Canal
    Far Canal
    1 month
    Cheers for those words of encouragement Steve, and to you other blokes as well.
  • beaglebasher
    11 days ago
    How's your leg going FC ?
  • Far Canal
    Far Canal
    9 days ago
    Taking way too long to improve Beags, giving me the shits to be honest.
  • Hilly
    9 days ago
    That sucks FC
  • beaglebasher
    8 days ago
    Yeah mate, I feel for you.  
    Stick at it but, at some point in time you will be back on the road and it will be a bad memory. 
    All the best. 

  • obisteve
    6 days ago
    Is it weight bearing now?
  • Far Canal
    Far Canal
    6 days ago
    Still need a walking stick/crutch.
    Going back to the hospital in a couple of weeks for an xray to see if the bone has started to knit back together. That'll be 3 months since the break. Hoping like fuck it is mending but have my doubts. If it is, all well and good. If not then another trip to hospital to get the metalwork out and a total hip replacement becomes more of a reality.

  • obisteve
    5 days ago
    Have you increased the amount of calcium in your diet? That can be a help if bone growth is slow,