Online: STEAMER, Hilly

Can you add the Fuel level Sensor to a Sportster after the Digital speedo has married to the ECM?

  • GGUser644
    4 months
    Can I install the Fuel level Sensor (H-D part # 61200008A) after the Digital Speedo (H-D part # 70900100C) has married to the bikes ECM, and still have full "fuel related" functionality displayed from the speedo?
    I saw a YouTube video where it stated that you only have 50km's before the speedo marries to the ECM and you can't add the fuel sensor after that, so I thought I'd see what you all have to say.
    Thanks in advance.
  • OlChesnut
    4 months
    Yes you can.  I've done it.  My speedo/tach was married to the bike for much longer than 50km, and I added the fuel level sensor.  I recall that in order to make the fuel level sensor start working I had to pull the main fuse then put it back in again.  After that it worked.