Online: obisteve, baldy1450

1998 softail springer

  • HD
    7 months
    How much do you guys think I could ask for this softail springer ???
  • Hilly
    7 months
    Evo springers seem to range from low 20's to mid 30's depending on model, k's and condition, yours looks real nice from the photos, high end of that range maybe but the market is fickle, personally I don't think they are worth that but if you can get it take it.
  • HD
    7 months
    Thanks hilly she’s nice 26000 km one for every year
  • Hilly
    7 months
    Makes me feel old.....
  • HD
    7 months
    Same lol 💯😜🍺
  • fatbat
    7 months
    I was looking at evo springers for ages. But not many original ones around that hadn’t been fucked with hideous mods 

    The bad boy springers are going for twenties to 30k. The heritage springers are a bit cheaper. And the fxsts goes cheaper again. There aren’t enough of them around for sale to get a good read on value. What people are asking and what they’re selling for are quite different

    There are twin cam springers available in teens and twenties which includes cvo and cross bones springers 

    So I’d think about 20k would see yours sell.

     Where are you located? 
  • HD
    7 months
  • tussuck
    7 months
    And you definitely need to be a springer front end lover as well which narrows the market... IMO they are fugly.  
  • Hilly
    7 months
    I find them fascinating to ride, I spend way too much time watching the suspension at work though 😂
  • HD
    7 months
    Same lol 
  • Benno
    6 months
    I bought this 99 springer 6 months ago, ole mate was asking 22k, I paid 16.5k.
    Its got a cam and a tad over 50k on the clock. I hope this helps you.
  • blueystar
    6 months
    while I can still ride no amount of money will buy the road sweeper when I fall off the perch and I have no say in no say in the sale probably $20000 $25000