HD Forums Australia
Nilo, Hilly
Finally Back (with a Garage)
Finally Back (with a Garage)
9 months
Hi All
Its been a while as a few "life" issues been going on.
Haven't had a garage or accessible workshop for nearly 3 years but that has recently changed and I hope to get a few more bits done.
Over the past few years I have sold a couple of my Harleys, bought a couple more and my 3 month project tidy up of an XS650 is in its 7th Year. lol
Currently have:
1971 FLH
* Pretty Stock and will stay that way.
1986 FXRP
* Fitting a Corbin Warbird kit. Been on hold but hopefully start again now have a Garage.
1989 FXRP
* Swingarm chop conversion. Mostly my work including the paint job which was done with Rattle Cans.
Still to fit the 3 deg cups and 6" over forks but then done(ish)
1980 XS650
* This one is a bit embarrassing and I need to get my finger out and get it finished.
Looking for a Shovel p[roject but thats on the back burner.
Anyway see you on the road and will be at Wagga Swap and Shovelfest in Bendigo
tussuck, Hilly and WideglidingNZ like this post
9 months
Corbin Warbird.... Now that takes me back!
I have a full set of bits for an 86 FXRP (off a CHiP's bike)
8 months
I was looking for a set of Police gear for a couple of years to restore mine to original.
I have a 86 and 89 both ex WA police.
As I could not find, or afford the police kit decided to go warbird on one and a "chop" look on the other.
If I find the right gear for the right price I may go back.
Neither have had from modifications and I have the old tank, guards, police gauges etc stored away.
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