HD Forums Australia
Vibration in 2011 FXDC Super glide
Vibration in 2011 FXDC Super glide
7 months
Hi. I've recently acquired my father's fxdc after his passing in February.
I've owned about 6 or 7 Harley's in my life of motorcycle riding.
But never have I experienced the vibration that this bike has.
I just had a new front engine mount put in by harley dealer, but vibration is still there. And it's quite savage.
Harley mechanic said that this happens with some super glides has they are smaller then the wide glide and come out with mid mount foot controls, and like mine, now, have forward controls as a modification.
But I'm really struggling to believe this amount of vibration is somewhat normal.
Has anybody experienced this and solved the issue please?
obisteve likes this post
7 months
Pull cam plate and check run out. Also check to see if it's sumping. Sounds like a scissored crankshaft. If check looks ok then check main gear drive bearing. But I'm calling bullshit on harley mechanic's comment if the vibration is excessive.
dan.need75@yahoo.com likes this post
7 months
There is a method to shim up the mount and settle the engine into place, without seeing it it's hard to say what's going on, BOnes could well be right if it's had a bit of a hard time, the mech is full of it, same frame except for neck rake, same engine, it's a version of the old "they all do that" line, there was a thread on here that went into it, not sure if it's still up.
Type, Dyna engine mount alignment into the search bar, should bring up a few.
dan.need75@yahoo.com likes this post
7 months
Nice that you've got your dad's bike Dan. My daughter says she's gonna ride my old rat Sporty to my funeral, hopefully not too soon.
dan.need75@yahoo.com likes this post
7 months
Thanks mate. Funeral was a great turn out up here in Townsville. We had his coffin ⚰️ taken from morgue to crematorium on a motorcycle hearse. We had about 47 bikes including my brother and myself on our Harley's escort him. And about 150 people at his service. He would of been proud as punch I reckon.
Hilly, Scoot and obisteve like this post
7 months
Check clearance on rubber, shim mount, check exhaust not touching frame, check head studs
Put rubber grips and foot pegs on if don’t already have, tighten mirrors
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