Bad Behaviour

  • beaglebasher
    5 months
    I was at work one  Sunday morning and had to go and pick up the breakfast order for the boys.
    I was coming around a right hand bend and noticed there was an injured barn owl sitting on the side of the road so I pulled over and started walking back to have a look. Next minute this old dude came along and panicked. He had a confused look on his face and jumped on the brakes and steered directly at me. I jumped up the kerb and he missed me by a whisker. Luckily for the owl he missed it too.
    I asked him what the fuck was he doing and he said he thought I was a copper asking him to stop.

  • Far Canal
    Far Canal
    5 months
    Quoting beaglebasher on 16 May 2024 10:57 AM

    I was at work one  Sunday morning and had to go and pick up the breakfast order for the boys.

    I was coming around a right hand bend and noticed there was an injured barn owl sitting on the side of the road so I pulled over and started walking back to have a look. Next minute this old dude came along and panicked. He had a confused look on his face and jumped on the brakes and steered directly at me. I jumped up the kerb and he missed me by a whisker. Luckily for the owl he missed it too.
    I asked him what the fuck was he doing and he said he thought I was a copper asking him to stop.

    Fancy that!, after reading many of your posts over the years I gotta say I have never suspected you might be a copper.
    Maybe you look like one Beag's , you got a snout like a pig,  wear a blue hat and march around making sure no one has fun?.
  • beaglebasher
    5 months
    So nobody has got a story to tell about some of the bad behaviour that happens on the roads? 
    Well I've got another one !
    I was driving a semi trailer down the Hume Highway one very foggy morning. The fog was particularly thick as I approached the Marulan Weigh Station so I was going slow looking for the exit. When I turned off I vaguely noticed a bit of commotion on the highway.   Turned out that an Indian chap who was driving a B - double missed the exit and stopped and tried to reverse back to the Weigh Station. The next car to come along drove up his arse but the curry muncher didnt know he had been hit and kept reversing.
    Apparently he kept reversing and pushed the car back to the exit. Luckily by that stage another truck had come along and got on the radio and explained to the Indian fellow the error of his ways in no uncertain terms.
    Luckily nobody got hurt.  
  • beaglebasher
    5 months
    Quoting beaglebasher on 16 May 2024 10:57 AM

    I was at work one  Sunday morning and had to go and pick up the breakfast order for the boys.

    I was coming around a right hand bend and noticed there was an injured barn owl sitting on the side of the road so I pulled over and started walking back to have a look. Next minute this old dude came along and panicked. He had a confused look on his face and jumped on the brakes and steered directly at me. I jumped up the kerb and he missed me by a whisker. Luckily for the owl he missed it too.
    I asked him what the fuck was he doing and he said he thought I was a copper asking him to stop.

    Quoting Far Canal on 20 May 2024 09:07 AM

    Fancy that!, after reading many of your posts over the years I gotta say I have never suspected you might be a copper.

    Maybe you look like one Beag's , you got a snout like a pig,  wear a blue hat and march around making sure no one has fun?.

    Fuck off ya cheeky bastard.
  • Hilly
    5 months
    Bloke I knew years ago ran a trucking company in Vic, one of his trucks run outa brakes coming down a steep grade to a bridge, thing was the old bridge was being replaced by a shiny new concrete one, there was a detour at the foot of the hill that went down to a temporary one, wasn't an option by the time the truck got there, the approach to the new bridge was not there yet, he hit the the bridge deck head on, about 4.5' of it sticking straight up, the truck stopped pretty much on impact, the shock of it caused the the bridge segments to sway, bridge collapsed, driver was beat up but ok in the end, the Vic authorities sent him a bill for millions, has it hanging on his wall.
  • beaglebasher
    5 months
    Everybody knows that  Victorian cunts are dodgy but thanks for the heads up.
    Did he have to pay the bill ?
  • B0nes
    5 months
    Quoting Hilly on 20 May 2024 11:25 AM

    Bloke I knew years ago ran a trucking company in Vic, one of his trucks run outa brakes coming down a steep grade to a bridge, thing was the old bridge was being replaced by a shiny new concrete one, there was a detour at the foot of the hill that went down to a temporary one, wasn't an option by the time the truck got there, the approach to the new bridge was not there yet, he hit the the bridge deck head on, about 4.5' of it sticking straight up, the truck stopped pretty much on impact, the shock of it caused the the bridge segments to sway, bridge collapsed, driver was beat up but ok in the end, the Vic authorities sent him a bill for millions, has it hanging on his wall.

    OH hell! That bought back memories I didn't want back.
    Years ago heading north out of Sydney during peak hour along the Pacific Hwy. Had just swapped trailers and was heading home, got caught behind a L plater who kept tapping the brakes instead of easy off the pedal every time they drifted over the speed limit. Just as we got near the Ourimbah exit the traffic in all lanes came to a screeching stop. Jump on the brakes and truck starts slowing but not as fast as it should. Realizing I had no chance of stopping I took the exit, Whew relief! Then an OH Shit moment when approaching the roundabout knowing that I wouldn't get around. Take the left exit, Whew relief again, then another OH Shit! A picnic ground!. By this time I had managed to slow to around fast walking pace. Ended up stopped in picnic ground with people standing around gawking. While sitting behind the wheel trying to stop sweating an old fella came over and asked if I was ok and would I like a beer which I needed but declined. Transport showed up and inspected truck and trailer, turned out the trailer had failed an inspection a few days earlier and rego had been canceled which I had no knowledge of and a false plate was attached. Rang the boss to tear him a new one when one of the inspectors grabbed the phone and did it for me. Ex boss copped a huge fine and lucky me got to bob-tail back to Brisbane without any punishment.
  • beaglebasher
    5 months
    That's weird. 
    I had a very close call on that stretch of road, just North of the Wyong services. 
    I was driving a quad axle tipper fully loaded with coal for Vales Point power station.  
    I  was creeping up on the truck in front and was waiting for a chance to get past him.
    I ended up right on his arse and got a break in the traffic so I started pulling out into the fast lane. Just as I did this the truck in front pulled hard to the left onto the hard shoulder and there was a row of stationary cars sitting in the slow lane less than 100 meters ahead. I passed safely in the fast lane and old mate in front passed safely on the hard shoulder at 100 kph.
    At the time I just thought " fuck !  That was lucky" but the more I thought about it the more spooked I got.
    If I had waited another 2 seconds to pull out it could have been a totally different story. 
    I don't know if I would have had the presence of mind to follow him onto the hard shoulder or if I would have panicked and jumped on the brakes. That wouldn't have ended well cos it takes more than 100 meters to pull up 50.5 tons.
    It turned out that there was a minor grass fire on the median strip up ahead and that's why the traffic stopped on the freeway. 
    It spooked me that badly I ended up going back on the tools for about 3 years. I am driving trucks again now but still think about it. 
  • 408
    4 months
    Looks like we have a few truck driver stories.
    I had a not very enjoyable encounter with a cattle truck about 15 years ago, heading north on the Newell Highway, south of Coonabarabran.
    Maybe mid afternoon and I came up behind this cattle truck on the bike. Not much fun sitting behind one of them with all the piss and shit coming out the back, and wearing an open face helmet, so I dropped back a bit and was looking for a chance to overtake.
    We get to an overtaking lane and I pulled out into the overtaking lane and was about halfway up the side of him when he decided to pull out and overtake a couple of cars in the left hand lane. So I was forced out onto the double white lines, with traffic in the oncoming lane. 
    I gave her a bit more throttle and as I went past the cab I looked up and gave him the finger and an earful. I was pretty close to the cab but he probably didn't hear what I said. I reckon he had a fair idea.
    I stayed on the throttle and put a bit more distance between us and then realised I would have to stop in town for fuel.
    I was filling the tank and looking down the road for the truck, thinking this is going to get interesting if he pulls in here.
    But I never saw him again.
  • Hilly
    4 months
    I have another, first hand this one, I was working on the local council and they wanted me to learn to drive the FV415's towing pigs we used for carting gravel from the south pit back to town, anyway the bloke teaching me had to bail halfway through the day and the foreman told me to just keep going without him.....being a young twat I did, first trip back loaded on a narrow dirt road through a cutting with a corner thrown in I came across a car full of terrorists pulled up in the middle of the road looking at wild turkeys! It was either kill them all or go bush so I swung the big girl to the left as they were to my right slightly, missed them by inches, I went over the bank, down into a muddy gully beside the road, shit was flying everywhere, small trees, mud, water etc, wipers weren't helping much, I was dropping gears and staying on the gas to keep it moving, got it back up the shoulder and onto the road, dunno how really as I had no idea what I was doing, pulled up, the terrorists scadooted, cleaned the windscreen and drove very cautiously back to the depot, told the foreman I wasn't driving it anymore until I had a bloody licence to do so, he seemed a little put out the tosser.
  • beaglebasher
    4 months
    What the fuck is a FV415 ?
     Good fuckin story  Hilly.
    Reminds me of the time down the Snowy Mountains I accidentally parked a Toyota Hilux ute up against a big gum tree halfway down a fuckin cliff.

  • Hilly
    4 months
    1980's V8 Mitsubishi dump truck, 15 speed road ranger box, could pull a wheel stand dumping with the pig behind, keep her up with the throttle and let her down gentle, dunno why they wanted me to drive them haha
  • Hilly
    4 months
    Quoting beaglebasher on 21 May 2024 11:43 AMedited: 21 May 2024 11:59 AM

    What the fuck is a FV415 ?

     Good fuckin story  Hilly.
    Reminds me of the time down the Snowy Mountains I accidentally parked a Toyota Hilux ute up against a big gum tree halfway down a fuckin cliff.

    Haha, that sounds like a good yarn :) 
  • beaglebasher
    4 months
    I was on a job refurbishing a turbine down the Snowy mountains back in the day. Instead of sitting in the pub every night a few of us would occasionally grab a six pack and our fishing gear and take the company ute (Hilux 4WD ) out for an adventure.  
    This particular night there was three of us and one of the blokes said he knew a great fishing spot but it's a bit of a hike to get in there.
    No fuckin worries.
    We were enjoying the beers and old mate pulled out a big joint. It was the good stuff. We lost track of time and realised it was pitch fuckin black and nobody remembered where the ute was so we stumbled through the bush for a while until we found it.
    We were all pretty whacked but somebody had to drive and for whatever reason I got the job. It was pretty rugged country and I was unfamiliar with the track and as we approached a particularly steep gully old mate told me I needed to pick up some speed going down so I would make it up the other side.  So I floored it.
     Everything was going well until we got to the top and the ute launched into the air.
    The track went to the left but we went straight ahead down the mountain. It was a wild ride for a hundred yards or so until I hit a big gum tree head on.
    It was lucky we did hit the tree cos if we had went another 100 yards we would have went off a cliff.
    We had to walk back to town and got there just as all the other fellas were getting on the bus to go to work. 
    It was a bit awkward explaining to the boss that the company ute was parked out in the bush up against a gum tree.

  • B0nes
    4 months
    Remember back in 2006 while working on the construction of the Braemar Power Station near Dalby. Was running a road train out of the construction site with another driver. We were running 12 hour shifts and in the 4th week I scored the night shift. Loaded the tanker with ammonia and water around 1.00am. Headed off to drop the stuff in a dam around 200km away. Arrived back to pump in another load and noticed some of the construction crew laughing and looking at me. Turned out they had blocked the track around the site with building equipment, told me I would have to reverse back around to the pickup point in the dark. Wiped the smug grins off their faces when I turned around outside the gate, told one of them to walk behind with a torch as I reversed both trailers in through the gate and around the corner to the pick up point. Found out later that they had a little bet going to see if I could do it.
  • beaglebasher
    4 months
    Do youse soft cock Queenslanders call a B-Double a road train?
  • B0nes
    4 months
    Quoting beaglebasher on 23 May 2024 11:11 AM

    Do youse soft cock Queenslanders call a B-Double a road train?

    Let's see? Combination longer than 30 metres. Check
    Road Train signs attached,  Check
    Dolly attached between trailers. Check
    Yep, me thinks that is classed as a Road Train
  • beaglebasher
    4 months
    Down here in NSW we would have put the ammonia and water into 44 gallon drums and chucked it in a box trailer and took it to the tip.
  • beaglebasher
    4 months
    Somebody must have a story to tell about bad behaviour on the road. 
    I see stupid stuff nearly every day !
    4 months
    Gee BB, i reckon you might have a few more up your sleeve. 🤣🤣👍