Oil level - Twin Cam 88

  • Kato
    11 months
    Oil Level on my TC 88 when hot is at the underside of the filler neck ( all good ) 
    i had to leave the bike for 3 weeks and when i checked the oil in the oil can / reservoir thingy ...........boy had it dropped ( a lot ) 
    The engines not using oil at all (when riding that is ) 
    so where is the 
    - oil in the oil tank going to 
    - why does it drop so much over a 3 week period 

    when I  rode it the oil level was fine but i am at odds as to why the oil level dropped over a 3 week period so much 

    thanks to anyone that can provide a response and for taking the time to read my post 


  • Hilly
    11 months
    TC Softails can bleed down into the engine when they sit for a bit, they don't all do it and some do it more than others, if you check your oil when you park it and it's not on the floor it's still in there.
  • softfat
    11 months
    Agree with Hilly. My softails oil bleeds down into the engine from the reservoir if left for a while. Once started, oil will fill back into the reservoir. Check the oil a little while after it's been running.

  • beaglebasher
    11 months
    My bike does the same thing. The first time it happened I was more than a little concerned!
    Once you get your head around it its not really an issue. A bit agricultural but its a Harley.
  • Kato
    11 months
    Thanks to all 3 of you guys that replied to me .

    Moochow Grassy A$$ .... cheers