
  • Ratbob
    11 months
    Can anyone recommend through experience, a reliable detailer who comes to you in SA?
    Yes I am a lazy €#%!
  • beaglebasher
    11 months
    I asked the same question for my local area a couple of years back. No luck either. 
    I wouldn't mind paying a couple of hundred bucks maybe once a year to get the bike detailed properly but I don't know if people do it. 
    You would have to think there would be a business opportunity there.
  • Hilly
    11 months
    Some of the car mobs will do bikes, especially the ones that do the paint coatings, I need to get my paint corrected, actually need to get a lot of cosmetic shit done but things keep popping up draining the bike fund.
  • tussuck
    11 months
    Bikes are real bastards to do compared to cars oddly enough.  A LOT of fiddly bits that take a lot of time.
  • Ratbob
    11 months
    Quoting tussuck on 25 Mar 2024 07:16 AM

    Bikes are real bastards to do compared to cars oddly enough.  A LOT of fiddly bits that take a lot of time.

    That’s it tussuck, and at 70, I figure there’s other things I’d rather be doing with that time. 
  • tussuck
    11 months
    im the same BUT way younger....  i just do the tins and high vis bits and leave it at that nowadays.  not full show quality but close.  its all about using top notch products that make ongoing cleaning a piece of piss.
  • Daz666
    11 months
    Mate they charge like wounded bulls, just grab some autosol cream and a bag of soft rags and give the chrome a polish, besides, the best way to know your bike is to have hands on, it is surprising what you find loose or needing attention when you start touching stuff... I have done detailing and yes it is bloody fiddly compared to cars, what I do with my ride is just give it quick regular washes with a microfibre mitt, use the pressure washer to rinse off and every few times I will do the wheels or give the paint some special attention. 
  • tussuck
    11 months
    God that was inspired!  and 5 years ago, holy chit!
    Nothing has changed now except for the final ceramic which has evolved - im now a fan of turtle wax ceramic oddly enough.
  • Ratbob
    11 months
    Quoting tussuck on 27 Mar 2024 10:40 AM

    God that was inspired!  and 5 years ago, holy chit!

    Nothing has changed now except for the final ceramic which has evolved - im now a fan of turtle wax ceramic oddly enough.

    Yes tussuck you were definitely inspired and you’d be most welcome to bring that inspiration with you and clean my bikes. 😎