Anyone with Fuelpak 3 get better results with dyno ?

  • Daz666
    1 year ago
    Just curious to know, has anyone with the vance and hines fuelpak 3 fitted to their twin cam got better results on the dyno, or indeed can they be tweaked on a dyno ?

  • Retroman
    1 year ago
    Sorry to say mate but recently I have been taking V&H Fuelpak units off bikes (AND other "similar" things like old Power Commanders and Dobeck units) and retuning or reflashing with Supertuner Pro software. These are all bikes older than 2017.

    They run better in every single case. Not as hot , less exhaust decel' popping and better fuel economy. They even idle sweeter.

    The Pro Software only does 2001/2 up to 2018 bikes, including the first year of the M8 engines. NOT 2019 and younger.

    You can get quite good results with the calibrations available in the cal file list , and on "unusual builds" like WOODS CAMS (my most recent of 2 weeks ago) and other non Harley cams I can get them to run well retaining good cruising fuel consumption.
    I have a huge bank of calibrations now for various builds that I tweak and reuse on other bikes.

    The Perth WA Dyno operators all prefer to sell you a Power Vision licence , or Maximus rather than use the Screamin Eagle pro tuner.
    More wonga in it for them and perhaps they then have you by the Cojones.

    Case example is the 2008 Fatboy I just reflashed with the Woods cams etc, He had spent $1800 buying the Maximus key licence plus Dyno time and I had it running better with better roll-on power in 20 minutes.

    Your "problem" now is you have spent the money, AND the Supertuner pro software is not so easily obtained. You will need a laptop. That and you will need an "unmarried" dongle and the correct cables to suit your model year. DON'T try to ram in the wrong cables, early years 2001 to 2010/11 are 4 pin and some then all later models 2011 and on are 6 pin.

    Depends on the model platform, Softail/Dyna/Touring/Sportster/V-Rod they all changed the Deutsch connectors at different times.

    Hope that's clearer ? 
  • Baloffski
    1 year ago
    Won’t say much but, thankyou. Very Interesting. As wil get older model down the track.,Had SEPST , good fun. Had the other tuner on other jigger z as FatBoy .,Must say I enjoyed the  Thunder zMsx. . Sorry bout zzzs got bloody big fingers and only mobile. HD Tuners are cool though I believe older ones are cooler.