HD Forums Australia
CV carby hop up
CV carby hop up
1 year ago
Anyone who has a cv carby on their bike , check this out. You can get them going pretty good for a small outlay.
So years ago at the shop I was with we used to hop up the cv carbs doing the following stuff as well as putting a high flow air filter and mufflers on almost all of the new evo's.
This may be old news to a lot of riders so take it for what it is...
48 pilot jet using a thin flat blade screwdriver to remove old one. You can also use jet drills using a number 48 if you cant get a new jet.
180 main jet using 8mm or equivalent from memory to remove from body.Then seperate the main jet from the emulsion tube. same as above if you want to drill out the main jet, 1,8 mm and dont forget to blow out anything you have drilled out with air to remove any swarf.
Remove idle mixture plug by screwing in a small self tapper and pulling out the plug, this is located on the bottom of the carb.
Screw in the idle mixture screw clockwise all the way till it seats, being careful not to overtighten, that WILL trash the carb body and then its buggered...
Turn it out 2 and a half to 2 and three quarters turns, this will put you in the ballpark for a good idle mixture.
Drill out the emulsion tube (what holds the main jet in ) a poofteenth, I honestly cant remember the number drill we used, ( maybe number 29 ???) just a mm.
Remove the top cap and remove the slide, drill out the return hole in the bottom of the slide same as above just a mm.This will make it return quicker.
You can also polish the slide to help it move in the body.
Remove the spring, measure it and the cut 1 and a half coils off, then stretch it back to the same length as stock. Again this will improve throttle response.
You can also remove the needle and stick a very thin washer under it.
Be careful putting the rubber diaphragm back in place on the top of the carb, they can tear easily if you dont pay attention..
Warm it up and adjust the idle mixture with a stumpy flat blade or small thin flat blade till it you are happy.
Cheaper than forking out a bucket load for a mikuni..
I know we got good results with this method so good luck !!
obisteve and crowster69 like this post
1 year ago
And ditch the return cable.
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