Grab a bottle of something called Solution Finish. its the best blacker I have come across in years. the black can be locked in using a ceramic if you wanted to.
definitely don't use dish wash liquid. I use this spray on hose off stuff called motomuck Repco sells it and I think it is like the s100 product but less expensive. I spray it all over the engine and wheels but not on the polished stuff tank etc, I'll put a link up tomorrow. it's the large container in the middle, price approx $50 for 5 litres
Here's a link I just noticed it is NZ made, this is the best cleaner I have used on motorcycles and the best thing is it is just spray on and hose off (no elbow grease required)-
Thanks bloke.
Harley shop here still sells S100 engine brightner Benno, alongside it's more expensive version.
None left now GM, young chick in the parts department said they no longer bring it into the country. I did find a set of mirrors for the shovel in there though, lol.
I wouldnt be using that stuff again mate.
Awesome lol, trip was worth it Benno
Yep, haha, unfortunately had to do a couple of days work in Ayr to justify the trip to Sun City. Mr Sheen will have to suffice.