Fuel filter change on a Road King

  • Daz666
    1 year ago
    Anyone interested in knowing how to change the fuel filter on your road king, well today I changed mine on my 2016 model.
    After watching videos on youtube I thought I knew what do but it turns out that road kings are actually easier than the other models.
    1. Remove seat
    2. Remove console, 10mm at the rear and 3/16 allen (I think) at the front
    3. Turn on ignition and start the bike
    4. Now remove the plug to the fuel pump, there is only one there so its easy....
    5. Wait till the bike stops running, then turn off the ignition
    6. Remove vent tube, grab a punch and hammer, hold it steady and tap the lock ring anti clockwise, this may take a few hits so cover the tank if you are not  confident.
    7. Remove the fuel pump, this is TRICKY and takes some CAREFUL wriggling and twisting until the plastic filter holder becomes visible.
    8. Once the plastic fuel filter holder is accessable, use a large flat blade and insert and twist into the steel clip which holds the filter in. This should be done carefully and slowly and once the clip is past the plastic tab keep working it till you can remove it and then the top will come off the filter housing.
    9. Pull out the old filter (mine actually looked better than the ones in the videos after 65000 km) and insert the new filter and dont forget to replace the o ring that comes with it. About 37 bucks from the dealer.
    10. The housing will be tight to insert the steel clip so take your time and keep pushing the housing together while inserting it.
    11. Carefully replace the pump back into the tank. It took a while to twist and turn so just expect a bit of a fight, eventually it will go back in and then tap the lock ring back on and before the console goes on just start it to make sure there are no leaks.
    12. Too easy !!