Online: Humbug, John.R, Hilly

The voice poll vote: YES or NO

  • Soapbox2627
    1 year ago
    Abariginal is the word that they were called from our first english settlers, meaning, "a member of a race of people who were the first people to live in a country, before any colonists arrived" or "consisting of or relating to a race of people who lived in a country before any colonists arrived"
    unfortunately, this race of people were not one, like the early lords of England, Scotland and Wales, all run their lands and people in the 50 mile stakes until they become a kingdom and become one (sorta), the aboriginals, indigenous or even now first nation people, were never "one", and still bicker over who's who.
    will have to wonder who will benefit from it?

    this "Voice" will be a shambles to us all
  • paulybronco
    1 year ago
    If the Voice gets up the people representing indigenous people are not elected by those who they are supposed to be assisting,  but selected by the government. What's the bet they will all be activists or academics each with their own agenda to push.  
  • Grease Monkey
    Grease Monkey
    1 year ago
    Unreal aye! if this voice gets in the radicals will be flogging it for every whim and grievance they can think of, ol mate out back of Burke will be no better off than he is now but the city dwelling distant cousins be having a fat time with it.
  • Soapbox2627
    1 year ago
    an early warning to the voice, the Kimba spent radioactive medical waste dump has been stopped in the high court because when the community address was done the local tribe was not part of the conversation.
    they took them on the native title act of 1979, 
    funny if not pathetic, none of the tribe live in the town, district or area

    the voice in parliment already stands at 4.8% of "first nation" people, where the indigenous are 3.8% of the population

    I also hate the term "First Nations People"
  • Neale
    1 year ago
    A big no vote from me.
    Nothing is finalised on paper. The bastards are liable to throw anything in after it’s been stamped off.
    Billions have already been spent on aboriginal programs with housing, health, education etc and that’s a complete fuck up. Fix the shit that we’ve already got, it’s already in place.
    Accountability and traceability are what’s needed.
  • paulybronco
    1 year ago
    Quoting Grease Monkey on 09 Aug 2023 08:18 PM

    Link to the full Uluru paper.....well so they say.

    Dont forget Albo keeps saying its a single page document...we will bring down interest rates....we will reduce electricity bills...we wont mess with your super funds...get wages more than 450gl of water to wonder so many people are fed up
  • paulybronco
    1 year ago
    Well guess you couldnt make this up but Albo, the poster boy for the "Yes" vote admitted today that he hasnt even read the Uluru Statement from the Heart in full!! Hes read the first page, or so he claims, then agreed to everything else in the document in full without even reading it. Makes you wonder about our commitment to renewables as to how much he understood.
    This was Albo reply to Neil Mitchell today after bagging No voters saying that the Voice was a single page document and not hundreds of pages....
    “But what are the other 25 pages? I’ve read them, what are they?” Mitchell said.

    “What they are is a record of meetings … they’re records of the big lead-up that happened, in the lead-up to, ironically … the Uluru Statement from the Heart,” the PM said.

    “Do you agree with most of what is said in those 25 pages?” Mitchell said.

    “I haven’t read it,” Mr Albanese said.

    “You haven’t read it?” Mitchell said.

    “There’s 120 pages — why would I?” the PM said. 

  • Grease Monkey
    Grease Monkey
    1 year ago
    Which is it Albo? One page or 120?
    You are right, you can't make it up!
  • paulybronco
    1 year ago
    I shake my old head at it all....Anastasia is equally as clueless when it comes to spending our money with the cost blow wonder they need to double the tax on business to cover the blow outs.
  • bloodog
    1 year ago
    You can be 100 % sure Albo is praying with all his hart Australia votes NO.
  • Grease Monkey
    Grease Monkey
    1 year ago
    Wait! He has a heart?
  • paulybronco
    1 year ago
    Quoting Grease Monkey on 16 Aug 2023 10:36 AM

    Wait! He has a heart?

    Yes but its a "Pro Hart" hanging in the lodge