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Auto choke

  • carcano
    1 year ago
    When I start my Switchback first thing in the morning it revs its ring out then drops back to around 1400 revs and takes 4 to 5 minutes to get to 1000 revs that's in the warmer months in winter it starts at 1800 revs then drops back to 1400 and repeats the above. My question is can I disconnect the auto choke with out stuffing something. Cheers

  • Retroman
    1 year ago
    Mate there is no "choke" on EFI Harleys just a cold start EFI cycle.

    Revs should drop back to around 1,000 RPM fairly quickly on a cold start, about the time to put your gloves on on my 2008.

    As far as I am aware you can't "disconnect" it as it's in the ECM programming

    You can clean the IAC valve with spray throttle body cleaner or Carby cleaner spray. I have seen that help before now.

    Easy enough just the cover and air filter off. Findable on youtube

    Over the years I have both cleaned and replaced them when a cleaning did not work.
  • carcano
    1 year ago
    Thanks for replying I've had it in the shop and they couldn't find anything wrong. I thought the 4 to 5 minute warm up might be a clue. Obviously not for them. Could've had beers with the money spent. I'll trawl utube to see if I can find an answer there. Cheers

  • Ultramick
    1 year ago
    My 2020 Ultra Limited does the same thing and has done since new. It revs to about 2000 - 2200 rpm when cold and will slowly drop the revs. What I have always done is about 2 seconds after it starts, just pull the clutch in and let it go. It ALWAYS settles the revs down to a proper idle speed.
    Try doing that and see if it does the trick.
  • carcano
    1 year ago
    Hey Ultramick thanks for the tip gave it a shot did not work for me but worth a go.  Cheers
  • softfat
    1 year ago
    Try the advice from Retroman. I was having revs climb and drop around the 1400/1500 range while riding on my Fatboy. Googled it and found the same advice that Retro offered. I think I used MAF sensor spray a couple of times and it settled the idle down on start up and when the motor was warm. Google it and you will see what to do. I think I found the advice from and US Harley sites. 
  • Ultramick
    1 year ago
    Quoting carcano on 29 May 2023 12:22 AM

    Hey Ultramick thanks for the tip gave it a shot did not work for me but worth a go.  Cheers

    Bugga.......... I thought I had the solution too !
  • carcano
    1 year ago
    Quoting softfat on 29 May 2023 12:30 AM

    Try the advice from Retroman. I was having revs climb and drop around the 1400/1500 range while riding on my Fatboy. Googled it and found the same advice that Retro offered. I think I used MAF sensor spray a couple of times and it settled the idle down on start up and when the motor was warm. Google it and you will see what to do. I think I found the advice from and US Harley sites. 

    gave it a shot no good still doing the high idle . The climbing rev problem i have never had . rev problem is only on start up .Cheers
  • Retroman
    1 year ago
    that wee gizmo can be a chit to clean. Spraying the cleaner thru the plastic hose attached to the can up the wee holes in the throttle body throat. Bit of clean rag in the throat to catch the worst.

    I had one bike , a 2006 Anniversary Dyna , last of the 1450's but a 6 speed box , that would not clean so a new IAC it was. 
    Can be done with the tank still on saves a lot of dramas. that was a low K's bike too but 3 years old so no warranty.

    I have done others where the localised spraying/cleaning process worked a treat.
  • brucefxdl
    1 year ago
    adding to retroman's advice, i clean mine occasionaly as well and works fairly well.i locate the iac port just inside the intake at 12 o'clock near the a/c body mating joint,can be seen and is fairly small id. .then spray a bit of throttle body cleaner in the bore up into the valve ....and something i learned,cycle the key while doing it, opens and closes the iac helping to move the crap  from the bore of the iac.reminds me i need to do mine again.cheers
  • robots
    1 year ago
    Does it come right down to what rpm set at car