Alarm going off after battery replacement

  • rodrigotm
    1 year ago
    I am wondering if anyone here ever experienced this.
    After a painful battery replacement on my 2013 sportster (short negative cable) last week, I have not been able to crank it up.
    The new battery was fully charged before fitting it. When I turn the key, I hear the alarm chirp, the left and right light indicators flash alternating. After a couple of seconds I hear the alarm chirping again. A yellow light goes on at the gauge and the alarm goes off and prevents me from starting the bike.
    Any insights on what is happening and how to solve this?
  • DocGreen
    1 year ago
    If you haven't got your fob on you, grab it. If you do, try a new battery in the fob and see if starts then.
  • rodrigotm
    1 year ago
    Fob was on me. I even tried using the spare one, without success.
    I will replace fob battery and see how it goes.
  • OlChesnut
    1 year ago
    Check that your negative cable is making good contact with the engine.  it's a pain to get to, but a common issue is corrosion between the negative cable and where it bolts to the engine.  There's videos about it on youtube.
  • rodrigotm
    1 year ago
    Replacing Fob battery seems to have done it.
    Thanks for your help.