What did you guys do on your bikes today?

  • blueystar
    9 months
    Points don't have 2 led lights red and green flashing through the window
  • obisteve
    9 months
    OK, I'm old and out of touch. Didn't know that.  Although points can put on a good lightshow if the capacitor is failing.
  • Hilly
    9 months
    In the red corner we Obi from the back of woop woop, in the blue corner we have the Road Sweeper from the far far west šŸ˜
  • crowster69
    9 months
    New metzeler cruisetecs.Good test on a ride out to Nannup and Augusta south west wa.
  • Hilly
    9 months
    The Purple People Eater, my cousin Gus had one the same, I had a black one, wish I still had it.
  • crowster69
    9 months
    Yeh I have a few other bikes in the shed but this one is hard to walk pass on those sunny days.115000ks and just does everything well and going strong.
  • GGUser260
    9 months
    Went for a spin to Apollo Bay. No rain, few cars and a great ride before the winter sets in. Had the bike tuned with the new exhaust. Graph attached. Felt strong throughout the rev range and no complaints. Days like today reinforce why 2 wheels are an obsession. 
  • WideglidingNZ
    9 months
    Quoting GGUser260 on 03 Jun 2024 12:15 PMedited: 03 Jun 2024 12:18 PM

    Went for a spin to Apollo Bay. No rain, few cars and a great ride before the winter sets in. Had the bike tuned with the new exhaust. Graph attached. Felt strong throughout the rev range and no complaints. Days like today reinforce why 2 wheels are an obsession. 

    Nice torque curve what cam did you use was it a SE one?
  • paulybronco
    9 months
    Quoting GGUser260 on 03 Jun 2024 12:15 PMedited: 03 Jun 2024 12:18 PM

    Went for a spin to Apollo Bay. No rain, few cars and a great ride before the winter sets in. Had the bike tuned with the new exhaust. Graph attached. Felt strong throughout the rev range and no complaints. Days like today reinforce why 2 wheels are an obsession. 

    Nice TQ curve.
  • GGUser260
    9 months
    Quoting GGUser260 on 03 Jun 2024 12:15 PMedited: 03 Jun 2024 12:18 PM

    Went for a spin to Apollo Bay. No rain, few cars and a great ride before the winter sets in. Had the bike tuned with the new exhaust. Graph attached. Felt strong throughout the rev range and no complaints. Days like today reinforce why 2 wheels are an obsession. 

    Quoting WideglidingNZ on 03 Jun 2024 04:35 PM

    Nice torque curve what cam did you use was it a SE one?

    yes, the SE 447 that came with the 131 kit
  • WideglidingNZ
    9 months
    I've just ordered this air-cleaner and have the bike booked in for it's 3rd service with a dyno tune for the new air-cleaner(in a couple of weeks, I'm not really doing it for any power gains just getting the STD snorkel out of the way of my leg and i like the look of Clearview cover -  https://www.vanceandhines.com/product/vo2-insight/, I also ordered some 1"thrashing supplies riser extensions to make the riser's 10.5"- https://www.thrashinsupply.com/products/1-riser-extensions just hoping i have enough room with cables and wiring, I know the brake cable is well long enough
  • WideglidingNZ
    8 months
    Aircleaner fitted and the bikes been retuned- since the original dyno tune I have also removed the Supertrapp's exhaust closed end cap and swapped for a open ended one, A little loss in both peak power and torque- 0.55hp and 1.99 ftlb's of torque, but the bike runs better especially low in the revision, I put the power loss down to the exhaust but I doesn't worry me. just happy how it runs and no snorkel in the way
  • paulybronco
    8 months
    Nice looking tq curve.
  • Hilly
    8 months
    Refresh my memory WNZ, engine specs?
  • WideglidingNZ
    8 months
    Quoting Hilly on 25 Jun 2024 10:33 PM

    Refresh my memory WNZ, engine specs?

    A '22 LRS 117- engine performance mods- Woods 22XE cam and lifters, SE 55mm inlet manifold, 5.5 injectors and V&H aircleaner
  • Hilly
    8 months
    Found your old graph, your new one seems to be a better tune, the variation you quoted can change day to day, hour to hour even in some cases, I don't think you have given up anything, as you say, it feels better šŸ‘
  • WideglidingNZ
    8 months
    I put my new tune over my old tune as it makes it easier to see the difference, the new tune's line is in black, old tune's in red, the tuner added 6 disc's to the Supertrapp also which the bike even sounds tougher now-
  • Neale
    7 months
    Cutting brackets underneath a rack that Iā€™m going to use today for one of my bikes.
    This is why you should leave the guard attached to your 4ā€ grinder.
  • Hilly
    7 months
    They great aye šŸ˜
  • beaglebasher
    7 months
    Looks like you were using one of they skinny cutting discs. Did it didnt bleed much ?
    Ive got a decent scar on my wrist from when I was an apprentice using a 9 inch grinder with a grinding wheel.
    I remember looking at the big gash in my flesh and wondering why it wasnt bleeding.
    Glad they got banned, they were dangerous fuckin things. I saw a boilermaker removing the guard on a 9 inch grinder and fitting a drop saw blade in it cos he couldnt reach with the 9 inch wheel.  That didnt end well. He was wearing a suede welders jacket but when the blade exploded it went through the jacket and they had to dig all the broken bits out of his guts in the hospital.
