What did you guys do on your bikes today?

  • paulybronco
    1 year ago
    Unable to open your attachment but did read a different article about it. I was thru there July last year so maybe ahead of this targeting area perhaps? Good news, no speeding fines beat me home via the mail..LOL
  • obisteve
    1 year ago
    Wonderful riding country all through that way. Got pretty much a choice of everything.
    This is from a bit north of Cape Trib. 

  • Neale
    1 year ago
    Quoting Grease Monkey on 07 Nov 2023 01:36 AM

    Retro and others are still getting years outa theirs so I'm buggered if I know what's the go.

    Quoting Daz666 on 07 Nov 2023 06:08 AM

    From what I have experienced and read about, the batt needs at least a 20 min ride just to replace the power of starting. Temperature plays a big part of battery life too, any extreme temps cold OR HOT drain it quickly, and batteries lose their charge naturally at a constant rate in "normal" temps anyway.

    My old girl FLHR lives outside and we get pretty cold overnight temps in Melbourne, in winter I use a 800 ma tender from bunnings which plugs in to the factory lead. If im in a hurry I simply connect my 2.2 amp charger to the starter terminal ( and ground the negative obviously) for 15 mins, this gives me enough oomph to get her going even at 2 degrees. So far there have been no negative repurcussions, after all the positive goes direct to the battery.
    I agree that the batteries should not be lasting a short time, I mean look at the size of the touring battery !! The alarm is the culprit, it is constantly searching for the signal from the fob....

    My 08 FLH twin cam has never been on a trickle charger, hasn’t even got tender leads on it. I can leave it for a month and it will always start.
    I use genuine HD batteries in it and get 6 yrs out of ‘em then I replace them.
    My ‘10 sporty, different story, if it’s not been on a charger for 10 days it’s click click click, machina no worka.
    My M8 FLH is the same as the sporty. Pain in the arse.
  • beaglebasher
    1 year ago
    Does the 08 twin cam have the alarm system fob  thing?
    What about the other bikes?
  • Retroman
    1 year ago
    All originally supplied new in Australia Harley Davidson models came with factory security with 2 proximity fobs.

    Other countries not so. The majority of used US import Harleys DO NOT come with factory security and or fobs.

    "Taking it off" an Australian supplied bike is a real drama so nobody ever bothers to do that.

    Long winded reasons why...

  • beaglebasher
    1 year ago
    Thanks for the explanation  retro.
    My bike is a 2002 model so I don't have to worry about all that shit.
  • WideglidingNZ
    1 year ago
    Quoting Retroman on 09 Nov 2023 09:57 AM

    All originally supplied new in Australia Harley Davidson models came with factory security with 2 proximity fobs.

    Other countries not so. The majority of used US import Harleys DO NOT come with factory security and or fobs.

    "Taking it off" an Australian supplied bike is a real drama so nobody ever bothers to do that.

    Long winded reasons why...

    Now a days the new HD's come with no alarm and only one fob(key), if you want a alarm it's $300+ to have a siren fitted, I actually don't mind having only one fob as it gives a thief less of a chance finding a fob, As for a battery I always have had a good run out off my HD supplied ones, I keep my little .800amp HD trickle charger on it most of the time   
  • ThomasBlair
    1 year ago
    to check if we still have to pay customs for any gifts? like if someone bought a Viking bag in the US, pack and send it to AU?  
  • blueystar
    1 year ago
    small bag of 12mm eyelets and the tools to install them come in the post today
    tomorrow will be putting air vent holes in the heat shield around the coil and will also leave the chrome cover off as you can't see it anymore
  • Grease Monkey
    Grease Monkey
    1 year ago
    Rode it, been a week, nasty little virus kept me quiet, beautiful north Queensland day, bike ran like the mechanical marvel they are, bike back on the charger tender trickle maintainer thingy, started easy as after each stop! Bastard! Beer o'clock 😁
  • Neale
    1 year ago
    Quoting beaglebasher on 09 Nov 2023 07:44 AMedited: 09 Nov 2023 07:46 AM

    Does the 08 twin cam have the alarm system fob  thing?

    What about the other bikes?

    Yup, my 08 is factory alarmed.
    So is the ‘10 sporty.
    So is the M8.
    The old Electra Glide battery is twice the size of the sporty and bigger than the M8’s.
    Might have something to do with it 👍.

  • ThomasBlair
    1 year ago
    Just a quick question, do we have to pay any kind of tax if we are sending a motorcycle bag from the US to the AU as a gift? if there is a tax then how can we pay it upfront? I am looking to send this Saddlebag to a friend of mine in the UK and I really don't want him to pay anything for it.
  • paulybronco
    1 year ago
    About to head out the back of Obi Steves old place and wallow in the dirt for a few hrs....getting in early as its going to be a hot day here today it currently 26 @ 0600 .
  • crowster69
    1 year ago
    If anyone here is interested,this is the best mod with biggest results I've ever done on any bike.Years ago I bought some gsxr radial brembos calipers and installed them on my fxdx with the 11/16 master.This was a step up from stock but not quite what I was expecting and a bit underwhelming after riding Ducatis all my life.anyway I bought a brembo rcs 19 master for another restoration project I'm doing but since that has stalled a bit I decided to try it on the Harley.
    Well fuck me.what a game changer.lots of little things to change to make it work but well worth it.1 finger braking.😜

  • speedzter
    1 year ago
    As you've proved, you always need to match the master cyl to the calipers.
    I'm running HD touring Brembo's on my FXDX with matching master and 300mm discs.
    Same deal, 1 finger braking.
  • Grease Monkey
    Grease Monkey
    1 year ago
    It's certainly function over form 😁👍
  • crowster69
    1 year ago
    Quoting Grease Monkey on 18 Nov 2023 02:12 AM

    It's certainly function over form 😁👍

    Yeh I'm hearing ya.im working on trying to clean it all up a bit.ongoing project.but I'm definitely not taking it off😁
  • Grease Monkey
    Grease Monkey
    1 year ago
    Just taking the piss mate, love the innovation, I had fxdx, crashed the bastard, still be riding it otherwise.
  • John.R
    1 year ago
    Nice setup, do you know what the calipers are off? I only ask as a lot of the OEM calipers off sportbikes are still 32mm pistons, which is exactly the same as the Harley Brembo calipers mechanically (4 x 32mm). Some Brembo OEMs are 34s though, as are the top teir M4 calipers.

    My radials are 32mm so I ended up using the Brembo MC @ 15mm, feels awesome.