Online: softfat

What did you guys do on your bikes today?

  • ThomasBlair
    1 year ago
    where can I find Harley tour packs like these Viking Bags in AU? Do we have to pay any customs if I send any motorcycle bags from the US?
  • Far Canal
    Far Canal
    1 year ago
    Last time I bought stuff from OS the cut off point where you do not have to pay import fees is $1000 AUD. Over that and the pain starts.
    This place has lots of options here in Australia, well 2 pages of it anyway.
  • Grease Monkey
    Grease Monkey
    1 year ago
    4 days to fit a wheel 😳
    Piss poor even for me 😁
    Tomorrow we bury it in the gravel and go for a blat.
  • Scoot
    1 year ago
    Try not to pick up any additional metal work with this one GM. 😂😂
  • Grease Monkey
    Grease Monkey
    1 year ago
    That would gut me 🤣
  • crowster69
    1 year ago
    Got my gauges back after a refurb just in time for some good weather
  • Grease Monkey
    Grease Monkey
    1 year ago
    They came up a treat 👍
  • Grease Monkey
    Grease Monkey
    1 year ago
    Something is amiss, early last week the bike did a hard start,  figured the battery was down a bit, charged it, rode it, puncture  an then put it on the lift where it sat for a week, today, didn't want to turn over, went second go, ride for an hour or so, stopped, near didn't start again, got home, checked battery voltage, 13.5, heaps, load tested, bike spun over no worries, voltage was 12 something while cranking, I'm thinking I have a dicky compression relief and if it comes up on that cylinder first it pulls it up, flicking the run switch I can hear a click, so need to find out if both are working or not, i chucked the stethoscope awhile ago cause the ear bits went sticky, don't wanna lift the tank off if I don't need to, will get another tomorrow, 12 something volts while cranking is ok yeah?
  • Grease Monkey
    Grease Monkey
    1 year ago
    Battery bro, load tested it again this afternoon after checking the comp release operation, back one sounds weaker on the close but they both click loud on opening, battery charged was 13.78, turn key on dropped to 12.36, hit starter, dropped to 9.12, running back up to 14+, dunno what I was looking at yesterday, beer goggles maybe.
  • Grease Monkey
    Grease Monkey
    1 year ago
    I ride it a bit so not always on tender, no not stock one, I've only been getting a couple of years max from them since 2012, different bikes, same result, this one is an SSD 450.....I think.
  • beaglebasher
    1 year ago
    Any reason you're only getting a couple of years out of your batteries GM ?  I got 8 years out of my last one and it is very rarely on a tender and sometimes sits for a month or more between rides. From what I can gather that's not unusual. 
    Have you been using the same tender for all those batteries?
  • Grease Monkey
    Grease Monkey
    1 year ago
    Different tenders/chargers over the years, the one I have now is supposed to be the ducks guts, this bikes first battery was replaced under warranty, didn't make 2 years, the replacement about the same, then an SSB went in, it was I think a 400CCA, it failed in about two years or so, now this one with the fancy tender is on its way out.
    The stock batteries used to last for yonks, my first sporty battery went 7 years and was never on a charger, maybe it's the luck of the draw.
    A 110 at 10.5 to 1 takes a bit more effort to crank than a stock comp 1200 sporty, but this decline in battery life started for me with the wideglide after its first battery went in 2012, it made 6 years, I've had a shit run since.
  • Grease Monkey
    Grease Monkey
    1 year ago
    I am open to suggestions?
  • beaglebasher
    1 year ago
    Quoting Grease Monkey on 04 Nov 2023 07:20 AM

    Something is amiss, early last week the bike did a hard start,  figured the battery was down a bit, charged it, rode it, puncture  an then put it on the lift where it sat for a week, today, didn't want to turn over, went second go, ride for an hour or so, stopped, near didn't start again, got home, checked battery voltage, 13.5, heaps, load tested, bike spun over no worries, voltage was 12 something while cranking, I'm thinking I have a dicky compression relief and if it comes up on that cylinder first it pulls it up, flicking the run switch I can hear a click, so need to find out if both are working or not, i chucked the stethoscope awhile ago cause the ear bits went sticky, don't wanna lift the tank off if I don't need to, will get another tomorrow, 12 something volts while cranking is ok yeah?

    I wouldnt make a decent sparkys arsehole but 13.5 volts seems a bit much for my liking.
    The occasional time I check mine with the multimeter its always sitting on 12.6 volts.
    I reckon something is over cooking your batteries.

  • Retroman
    1 year ago
    I started using battery tenders on my own Harleys in 2000. Battery Fighter Junior brand. Supercheap do them.

    No "factory security/immobiliser" system then neither, not stock on Australian delivered bikes until 2007.

    After 2007 Frasers WA had a bad run of battery "warranty" claims from the FIFO mob who came back from their 3/4/5 weeks swing away and first attempted Harley ride clickety fucking click...caused by the factory security constant draw. 

    Lotsa pissed of Harley riders. So Frasers started to fit Battery fighter junior tenders to ALL new bikes they sold as part of the PDI. 

    "Problem Solvered" as they say. No more argy bargy in the Frasers service reception....

    Funnily enough the other WA HD dealers did not fit tenders as "standard" at PDI time.

    Personally I have had OEM original Harley branded batteries go 7 years on a number of occasions, but WITH tender use.

    Without well 2/3 years MAX and I have often heard of batteries under age 2 go off.

    Between me and all my riding crew we have tried SSB/Odyssey/DEKA (who make the HD batteries it is reckoned).

    Only the "genuine" HD batteries make 7 years.
  • Grease Monkey
    Grease Monkey
    1 year ago
    What can I say? 2015 delivered, first battery replaced under warranty, second less than two years, both genuine HD batteries, doesn't live on a tender 100% of the time but it'd only be 2-3 days without tender or a good ride, in the past I got 6-7 years, but not since 2012. 

  • Grease Monkey
    Grease Monkey
    1 year ago
    Retro and others are still getting years outa theirs so I'm buggered if I know what's the go.
  • Daz666
    1 year ago
    Quoting Grease Monkey on 07 Nov 2023 01:36 AM

    Retro and others are still getting years outa theirs so I'm buggered if I know what's the go.

    From what I have experienced and read about, the batt needs at least a 20 min ride just to replace the power of starting. Temperature plays a big part of battery life too, any extreme temps cold OR HOT drain it quickly, and batteries lose their charge naturally at a constant rate in "normal" temps anyway.
    My old girl FLHR lives outside and we get pretty cold overnight temps in Melbourne, in winter I use a 800 ma tender from bunnings which plugs in to the factory lead. If im in a hurry I simply connect my 2.2 amp charger to the starter terminal ( and ground the negative obviously) for 15 mins, this gives me enough oomph to get her going even at 2 degrees. So far there have been no negative repurcussions, after all the positive goes direct to the battery.
    I agree that the batteries should not be lasting a short time, I mean look at the size of the touring battery !! The alarm is the culprit, it is constantly searching for the signal from the fob....

  • bloodog
    1 year ago
    Me and the hand brake took a 1200 supper Tenere cairns cape triv Mareeba home 
    The bike was a  big clunky pig in the dirt but out on the open road was a good ride. 
    Amazing rides up this way 
  • paulybronco
    1 year ago
    Got to agree BD loved my ride up through there. Good rides out thru Atherton as well, never saw a single copper.