Online: Hilly, Buzz

What did you guys do on your bikes today?

  • Grease Monkey
    Grease Monkey
    1 year ago
    Serviced the big biatch, ready for a road trip to a mates 40th, nothing on the magnets, nearly tipped the pink stuff back in, it only had 20k on it, looked like new still, wanted to check in there since the quick shifter gets a work out occasionally, that's the last of the 10W 70 Premium for the primary, RT put me onto that years back, RIP buddy. Primary looked good, pad is sweet, chain not overtightened, happy days.
  • 408
    1 year ago
    Quoting Grease Monkey on 12 Sep 2023 02:03 AMedited: 12 Sep 2023 02:04 AM

    Serviced the big biatch, ready for a road trip to a mates 40th, nothing on the magnets, nearly tipped the pink stuff back in, it only had 20k on it, looked like new still, wanted to check in there since the quick shifter gets a work out occasionally, that's the last of the 10W 70 Premium for the primary, RT put me onto that years back, RIP buddy. Primary looked good, pad is sweet, chain not overtightened, happy days.

    How long is the trip ? Are you tuning on the way ?
  • Grease Monkey
    Grease Monkey
    1 year ago
    Quoting Grease Monkey on 12 Sep 2023 02:03 AMedited: 12 Sep 2023 02:04 AM

    Serviced the big biatch, ready for a road trip to a mates 40th, nothing on the magnets, nearly tipped the pink stuff back in, it only had 20k on it, looked like new still, wanted to check in there since the quick shifter gets a work out occasionally, that's the last of the 10W 70 Premium for the primary, RT put me onto that years back, RIP buddy. Primary looked good, pad is sweet, chain not overtightened, happy days.

    Quoting 408 on 12 Sep 2023 02:48 AMedited: 12 Sep 2023 02:48 AM

    How long is the trip ? Are you tuning on the way ?

    About a day each way, nar, haven't set up the base cal yet, I'm working on getting access to the new race track, would like get the things you've seen me asking about sorted before I go at it again. 
  • 408
    1 year ago
    Quoting Grease Monkey on 12 Sep 2023 02:03 AMedited: 12 Sep 2023 02:04 AM

    Serviced the big biatch, ready for a road trip to a mates 40th, nothing on the magnets, nearly tipped the pink stuff back in, it only had 20k on it, looked like new still, wanted to check in there since the quick shifter gets a work out occasionally, that's the last of the 10W 70 Premium for the primary, RT put me onto that years back, RIP buddy. Primary looked good, pad is sweet, chain not overtightened, happy days.

    Quoting 408 on 12 Sep 2023 02:48 AMedited: 12 Sep 2023 02:48 AM

    How long is the trip ? Are you tuning on the way ?

    Quoting Grease Monkey on 12 Sep 2023 03:59 AM

    About a day each way, nar, haven't set up the base cal yet, I'm working on getting access to the new race track, would like get the things you've seen me asking about sorted before I go at it again. 

    And the racetrack has a straight long enough for the Map Normalization Gain ?
  • Grease Monkey
    Grease Monkey
    1 year ago
    Quoting 408 on 12 Sep 2023 02:48 AMedited: 12 Sep 2023 02:48 AM

    How long is the trip ? Are you tuning on the way ?

    Quoting Grease Monkey on 12 Sep 2023 03:59 AM

    About a day each way, nar, haven't set up the base cal yet, I'm working on getting access to the new race track, would like get the things you've seen me asking about sorted before I go at it again. 

    Quoting 408 on 12 Sep 2023 05:50 AM

    And the racetrack has a straight long enough for the Map Normalization Gain ?

    Dunno, haven't seen it yet, if I had sporty they would let me race they said, but they have an open category on race days, I want to weedle my way into test days, working on it.
  • Grease Monkey
    Grease Monkey
    1 year ago
    Rode it down the coast then inland to Moranbah yesterday, got pissed with me mates, rode it back today via the Gregory, cripes there are still some wild stretches of tar on that road, I hit literally hundreds if not thousands of bumps, big and small she soaked em all, didn't hit one I didn't like, Softail Custom king/queen seat and the new suspension set up makes for armchair riding but fuck me the wind was having a go, 1200 and bit ks round trip.
  • John.R
    1 year ago
    Getting the bike ready for Throttle Roll bike show this Monday public holiday. 

    New rubber thrown on, then a detail.
  • Grease Monkey
    Grease Monkey
    1 year ago
    Would need to be something very special to knock that out of first place in whatever you enter it in John, work of art mechanically and then there is that paint! Job well done 👍
  • Grease Monkey
    Grease Monkey
    1 year ago
    Rode it, I'm gunna be needing new boots on it soon, thinking another set of battlecruise's will be the go, front an back will be completely shagged about the same time I'm thinking, not on the bars but getting close, matched sets works for me.
  • paulybronco
    1 year ago
    I need a set for my GS as well....getting to be a serious investment now for a set of boots.
  • Grease Monkey
    Grease Monkey
    1 year ago
    Prices are getting up there, you could spend a grand if you chase the exotic.

    Or you can stick with the plain Jane for half that!
  • Scoot
    1 year ago
    I put a set on a couple of months ago and are very happy with them. 👍
    I’m no Jack Miller but they do everything I ask of them.
  • Grease Monkey
    Grease Monkey
    1 year ago
    Did you get them from Locke'ies Scoot?
  • Scoot
    1 year ago
    From JR’s. They ordered them in and then fitted them. 
  • Retroman
    1 year ago
    Fitted new Ferodo FDB352P front pads to the 2008 Springer today, first time in 8 years.
    Last time 8 years ago it was Lyndall Gold plus that went in. $114 in Australia today.

    This time Ferodo Platinum Organic. That's what the local Indy had on the shelf when I went in looking for Lyndall Gold again.
    At $59.95 very close to ebay price and no waiting for post.

    The Lyndall pads in there were VERY low indeed, I reckon I dodged a bullet hence the "rush" !

    Now I also had some NOS Vesrah sintered pads bought a few weeks back from a Yamaha dealer in the east who was destocking all his Harley pads, and there were $30 delivered by Auspost so quite a good deal. I used to use Vesrah on Jappers in the 80's no worries.
    Research let me think they wear rotors (discs) more so I kept searching.

    The discs thankfully had no damage and were carefully scuffed with wet 600 grit and then wiped down with Acetone rags.

    Quite a dirty job actually, I had forgotten how much so ! Re greasing the caliper pins etc etc

    If the Ferodo prove to be rapid wearing then the Vesrah will be ready to rock.

    Might be 8 years haha...

    I took the Springer a good short run around the suburbs in rush hour to "bed" the new pads in as described in the Ferodo vids.
    Gentle but firm braking from 50/60 K's max, then a few K's before reapplication.
    Basically I just rode normally and sensibly and all seemed well. No squealing or shuddering. Good lever feel.
    The rotors DID get hot without Banzai braking
    I have a couple of day runs coming up and a weekender into the wheatbelt so the new pads will get a real workout then.

  • beaglebasher
    1 year ago
    You might be able to help with an issue I have with my back disc  mate.
    Every time I get off the bike  the front disc  is cool to the touch but the back one is too hot to touch.
    Its been like that since I replaced the pads about 7 years ago and I have been watching the disc for any signs of wear.
    I have come to the conclusion that the caliper or maybe  one piston isnt releasing properly.
    I have spayed the whole lot with WD40 and levered the pads in and out numerous  times over the years but it still happens.
    There is no noticable wear on the disc so its not really a problem but I  was just wondering if it has happened to anybody else.

    PS :  I bought a cheap dial indicator (clock gauge)  off Ebay to check the run out but cos the bike doesn't have a center stand I couldnt be fucked using it.

  • obisteve
    1 year ago
    How old are the seals on the piston? When they're real old they lose a bit of elasticity and don't pull the piston back that tiny amount when brake pressure is released
    On my '90 Sporty it also helped to replace the pins the moveable part of the caliper slides on and give them a very slight smear of copper antisieze on reassembly. I had to strip and clean them a lot because of dust build up from all the dirt road riding.
  • beaglebasher
    1 year ago
    Pretty sure the seals would be 21 years old  cos the bike is 2002
    I think the bike was supposed to produce 78 horses when it was new ( 88 twin cam )
    I would hate to think I am ripping myself off of a couple of horsepower cos I am a lazy bastard.
  • WideglidingNZ
    1 year ago
    Quoting beaglebasher on 04 Oct 2023 09:21 AM

    You might be able to help with an issue I have with my back disc  mate.

    Every time I get off the bike  the front disc  is cool to the touch but the back one is too hot to touch.
    Its been like that since I replaced the pads about 7 years ago and I have been watching the disc for any signs of wear.
    I have come to the conclusion that the caliper or maybe  one piston isnt releasing properly.
    I have spayed the whole lot with WD40 and levered the pads in and out numerous  times over the years but it still happens.
    There is no noticable wear on the disc so its not really a problem but I  was just wondering if it has happened to anybody else.

    PS :  I bought a cheap dial indicator (clock gauge)  off Ebay to check the run out but cos the bike doesn't have a center stand I couldnt be fucked using it.

    My previous 2015 Wideglide did this too, the problem was the rear brake lever being a little seized in the bush not releasing properly and holding the brake on slightly, the solution remove brake lever and clean it up with a little sanding or wire brush lube with anti-seize (or grease), I'm not saying this is your problem but it may be
  • Baloffski
    1 year ago
    Quoting beaglebasher on 04 Oct 2023 09:21 AM

    You might be able to help with an issue I have with my back disc  mate.

    Every time I get off the bike  the front disc  is cool to the touch but the back one is too hot to touch.
    Its been like that since I replaced the pads about 7 years ago and I have been watching the disc for any signs of wear.
    I have come to the conclusion that the caliper or maybe  one piston isnt releasing properly.
    I have spayed the whole lot with WD40 and levered the pads in and out numerous  times over the years but it still happens.
    There is no noticable wear on the disc so its not really a problem but I  was just wondering if it has happened to anybody else.

    PS :  I bought a cheap dial indicator (clock gauge)  off Ebay to check the run out but cos the bike doesn't have a center stand I couldnt be fucked using it.

    Quoting WideglidingNZ on 04 Oct 2023 04:15 PM

    My previous 2015 Wideglide did this too, the problem was the rear brake lever being a little seized in the bush not releasing properly and holding the brake on slightly, the solution remove brake lever and clean it up with a little sanding or wire brush lube with anti-seize (or grease), I'm not saying this is your problem but it may be

    Now that's lateral thinking. Who would've thought drag, on a secured item. Not me. thanks, mate, for that catch. 