Online: John.R, tussuck

What did you guys do on your bikes today?

  • Far Canal
    Far Canal
    1 year ago
    Quoting John.R on 28 Apr 2023 12:00 AM

    Yeah its a weird one that compensator. They are definitely failing on bikes, but it seems to be random as to whether it'll affect you or not. 

    I've read many stories of them failing and they span the whole range of riding. Some while thrashing, others while sitting on the highway just cruising. I read one that failed while he turned the bike off at a servo, and it wouldnt start again.

    Yes HD will warranty it, but the carnage it can cause ranges from a rattling sound in the primary, to the compensator punching through the inner primary and transferring all that force through the crank. HD will replace your comp and primary, they won't be checking your runout and if it tweaked the crank though. 

    I take it, it is the M8 bikes that are having the compesator issues?.
  • John.R
    1 year ago
    Yeah, specifically the ramp cracking.
  • flstc08
    1 year ago
    Quoting Grease Monkey on 01 Apr 2023 12:10 PM

    Glasses would no doubt help but I'm still resisting, it's very xf falcon-ish....but I like it haha

    Quoting Baloffski on 05 Apr 2023 02:53 AM

    Mate, glades, hearing aid shit for only 7 grand, but it does play music mobile etc through them. Last pair were 9500. , lost em getting old but to survive is a Boness.

    Quoting Grease Monkey on 05 Apr 2023 11:40 PM

    My missus hounds me about getting hearing aids, I have really bad tinnitus, it blocks heaps out, plus industrial and gun fire related hearing loss, triple whammy but man the cost of those suckers makes it a hard sell to me.

    G'day GM,
    I have tinnitus as well, a constant sort of white noise, with the occasional clicks and changing volume. Do you take anything to manage it or do you put up with it, like me? A set of S & S pipes helps but only to distract from the problem. I was thinking about some Earmold ear pieces but they got a bad reference on this forum . 

  • obisteve
    1 year ago
    OK, finished. StreetBob tail light fitted, working. The job ended up with me fitting new brake pads, and rebuilding the caliper as well. I knew that piston seal I've had in its little plastic bag in my parts stash for the last 20 years would come in handy one day. It bled up quickly too, didn't have to use the vacuum bleeder.
    I didn't get far on my test ride, but I take my responsibility to support the local hospitality industry seriously.
    Worth doing? Sure, I love the way it looks.
    So thank you StreetBob10!
  • Far Canal
    Far Canal
    1 year ago
    Quoting Baloffski on 05 Apr 2023 02:53 AM

    Mate, glades, hearing aid shit for only 7 grand, but it does play music mobile etc through them. Last pair were 9500. , lost em getting old but to survive is a Boness.

    Quoting Grease Monkey on 05 Apr 2023 11:40 PM

    My missus hounds me about getting hearing aids, I have really bad tinnitus, it blocks heaps out, plus industrial and gun fire related hearing loss, triple whammy but man the cost of those suckers makes it a hard sell to me.

    Quoting flstc08 on 28 Apr 2023 10:04 AM

    G'day GM,

    I have tinnitus as well, a constant sort of white noise, with the occasional clicks and changing volume. Do you take anything to manage it or do you put up with it, like me? A set of S & S pipes helps but only to distract from the problem. I was thinking about some Earmold ear pieces but they got a bad reference on this forum . 

    Hi flstc08. I am astounded that the Earmold earplugs got a bad wrap on this forum. I had a pair made at a bike show down here several months ago and reckon they are the "ducks guts''. They cost $80 but are worth every cent as far as I can tell, much quieter than any foam type earplug, even quieter than my Husqvarna chainsaw ear muffs. They are made to suit the individual, you get a syringe of liquid goo in each lughole which solidifies into a flexible rubbery,foamy plastic type material that fits like a glove. You could choose from a variety of colours and if I were to get them made again I'd get a different colour for each ear as they look similar to each other but only one will fit in the right place. Would I recommend them?, Hell yeah!.
  • Grease Monkey
    Grease Monkey
    1 year ago
    Quoting Baloffski on 05 Apr 2023 02:53 AM

    Mate, glades, hearing aid shit for only 7 grand, but it does play music mobile etc through them. Last pair were 9500. , lost em getting old but to survive is a Boness.

    Quoting Grease Monkey on 05 Apr 2023 11:40 PM

    My missus hounds me about getting hearing aids, I have really bad tinnitus, it blocks heaps out, plus industrial and gun fire related hearing loss, triple whammy but man the cost of those suckers makes it a hard sell to me.

    Quoting flstc08 on 28 Apr 2023 10:04 AM

    G'day GM,

    I have tinnitus as well, a constant sort of white noise, with the occasional clicks and changing volume. Do you take anything to manage it or do you put up with it, like me? A set of S & S pipes helps but only to distract from the problem. I was thinking about some Earmold ear pieces but they got a bad reference on this forum . 

    I put up with it, have done for 33 years now, it can get to you sometimes, I always wear hearing protection when needed as i find loud noise makes it worse, music keeps me sane.
  • obisteve
    1 year ago
    Are you blokes suggesting that Oz wasn't hit by a plague of cicadas that haven't gone away for the last 15 years?
  • Grease Monkey
    Grease Monkey
    1 year ago
    Noisy buggas aye
  • obisteve
    1 year ago
    Oh yeah. 
    If it is all in my head  then I reckon that it's a lifetime of very loud music, very loud engines, gunfire, loud machinery back when Oz had manufacturing industry, and sloppy fitting open face helmets. Loved most of it, still do most of it. Buy the ticket, take the trip.
  • flstc08
    1 year ago
    Quoting Grease Monkey on 05 Apr 2023 11:40 PM

    My missus hounds me about getting hearing aids, I have really bad tinnitus, it blocks heaps out, plus industrial and gun fire related hearing loss, triple whammy but man the cost of those suckers makes it a hard sell to me.

    Quoting flstc08 on 28 Apr 2023 10:04 AM

    G'day GM,

    I have tinnitus as well, a constant sort of white noise, with the occasional clicks and changing volume. Do you take anything to manage it or do you put up with it, like me? A set of S & S pipes helps but only to distract from the problem. I was thinking about some Earmold ear pieces but they got a bad reference on this forum . 

    Quoting Far Canal on 28 Apr 2023 11:01 PM

    Hi flstc08. I am astounded that the Earmold earplugs got a bad wrap on this forum. I had a pair made at a bike show down here several months ago and reckon they are the "ducks guts''. They cost $80 but are worth every cent as far as I can tell, much quieter than any foam type earplug, even quieter than my Husqvarna chainsaw ear muffs. They are made to suit the individual, you get a syringe of liquid goo in each lughole which solidifies into a flexible rubbery,foamy plastic type material that fits like a glove. You could choose from a variety of colours and if I were to get them made again I'd get a different colour for each ear as they look similar to each other but only one will fit in the right place. Would I recommend them?, Hell yeah!.

    G'day FC,
    I did another search and found pages and pages more than I did last time. Most of the comments were postive. I might give them a go.
  • Neale
    1 year ago
    Put these on my flhcs.
    Recommend doing it to anyone.
    HEAPS better as far as  wind buffering goes.👍
  • WideglidingNZ
    1 year ago
    I went for a ride on the weekend and noticed my front tyre down on air pressure, I stopped at a servo and pumped it up, when I got home I saw a nail or piece of steel in the tyre, as the rear tyre was 90% done and with the cost of removing the front wheel and then repair the puncture I decided to just replace the front tyre too, The LRS has now done 6800k's, I replaced them with Metzeler Cruisetec tyres which I ran on my previous LRS, they seem to grip and handle better than the oem Scorcher 31's-
  • John.R
    1 year ago
    Got the big rig back today with about a 32hp increase. 

    Still waiting on tyres to arrive so I can swap wheels.
  • Grease Monkey
    Grease Monkey
    1 year ago
    You like it or is it too much for you you old c#nt ?
  • tussuck
    1 year ago
    32 is entry level!  never have too much at the rear wheel, its just how you ride the thing.
  • obisteve
    1 year ago
    Washed a couple of them.
  • Grease Monkey
    Grease Monkey
    1 year ago
    Washed it, road it, I swear it finds neutral easier when it's clean haha 
  • obisteve
    1 year ago
    Just realised I posted a pic of one of the dogs having a crap in my last post. Oh well, enjoy, he probably was.
  • blueystar
    1 year ago
    Remove the tombstone taillight lens and put a hole in it so it be easier to check the globes are working 
  • Grease Monkey
    Grease Monkey
    1 year ago
    You got a blue thingy to stick in there :)