Online: FNQOutcast, B0nes

What did you guys do on your bikes today?

  • beaglebasher
    2 years ago
    Quoting Far Canal on 06 Mar 2023 08:20 AM

    Took my new home made leather saddle bags for a 200klm test ride.
    They fit both my old Honda 750 fours and my 1984 Wide Glide shovel.
    They are not the most voluminous bags in the world so I made them so I can strap my bulky Belstaff waterproof britches and wet weather top over the seat leaving the bags free for all the other shit one may need on a trip.
    They survived the first trip no problems, hopefully there will be many more.

    In FC's defence,  it's hard to make these fuckin things look good.
  • 408
    2 years ago
    Good post beagle, you got that fukn ugly bmw off my screen.
  • paulybronco
    2 years ago
    All packed and fuelled up ready for a 0700 start....wet weathers all the way it seems. Still better than sitting on the couch all day. 
  • bloodog
    2 years ago
    Nice one Pauly
     Ride safe bro
  • evo94
    2 years ago
    wasnt it wet az, the last time too...?
  • paulybronco
    1 year ago
    Quoting evo94 on 09 Mar 2023 03:28 AM

    wasnt it wet az, the last time too...?

    Well done and dusted or muddied depending on the day. We left home to persistent drizzle just enough for wet weather gear till around Esk. My brother in law very nearly got cleaned up on the turn off to Mt Glorious by a ute that we had followed for 5-10klm that indicated to turn right, started to move right across the diving lane then suddenly decided to turn HARD left with my Brother in law already at the rear of the ute. Needless to say the ute driver shit himself as did my Brother in law and somehow it all unwound without a incident. Lucky indeed. It started to rain steadily once we hit the dirt at Gatton and was pretty slow going thru the forests and back roads. We weren't able to do some of the creek crossings as the roads had been closed due to the last floods thru there. There were no entry points or exit points to get across. Day two was driving rain and terrible conditions all dirt and it took us around 9 hrs to do less than 100klm with all the stops and tip overs and back tracking. Day three was overcast and we decided to shortcut via the tar to the back of Stanthorpe and get back onto the dirt hopefully ahead of the predicted 1 months rain in a weekend prediction. Some of the roads out the back of nowhere are spectacular and freshly tarred with no traffic and the state forest fire trails well maintained again with zero traffic/4x4. And then the rain started.....just staying upright in "Enduro mode" with traction control activated on clay based roads that now had a layer of sludge on top was very challenging. I ran out of skill twice on that section with the front tucking once on the camber while upright and then 50m further on the rear overtaking the front. Anyway once we got of that road we made the decision to head for home in torrential rain. It rained all the way till the back of Glasshouse mountains and then dry run home. 
    Our last run home from the Cape was also in unbelievable rain with places underwater and cool conditions. I can tell you with first hand experience that HD wet weather gear wont keep you dry when it gets really snotty. 
  • Grease Monkey
    Grease Monkey
    1 year ago
    On ya PB, good yarn, but it does bring me to a question, wet weather gear, I've had various stuff over the years and non of it kept me dry if it really hammers down for hours, I wonder if anything really does?
  • paulybronco
    1 year ago
    Like yourself Hilly i have been thru plenty...i did have a Dainese one piece suit that was fantastic but man was it hot! If you were in traffic it was wetter inside the suit than outside due to sweat. I stick with the HD ones due to their lightness and that i can pack it inside its own hood saving space. 
  • Grease Monkey
    Grease Monkey
    1 year ago
    Did have one piece thingy that we used to use at work when doing really filthy water blasting etc, same thing, like wearing a flammin sauna, just wondering.
  • markwoumla
    1 year ago
    Have to agree , in consitent rain you eventually get wet with whatever gear you have... But over many years of riding,I think i have found the the answer,,,,
    Stop at the closest pub,,, give it an hour and poke your head out to check conditions..... If still pissing down,, book into pub and continue drinking..... In the morning if fine , continue on your way,, if not, book room for another night.... Works for me.....

  • Grease Monkey
    Grease Monkey
    1 year ago
    Quoting markwoumla on 12 Mar 2023 07:39 AM

    Have to agree , in consitent rain you eventually get wet with whatever gear you have... But over many years of riding,I think i have found the the answer,,,,

    Stop at the closest pub,,, give it an hour and poke your head out to check conditions..... If still pissing down,, book into pub and continue drinking..... In the morning if fine , continue on your way,, if not, book room for another night.... Works for me.....

    Fucking brilliant plan......I may of used it before but now that it has been acknowledged as a legitimate strategy I'll use it more often lol
  • Far Canal
    Far Canal
    1 year ago
    Quoting evo94 on 09 Mar 2023 03:28 AM

    wasnt it wet az, the last time too...?

    Quoting paulybronco on 12 Mar 2023 01:50 AM

    Well done and dusted or muddied depending on the day. We left home to persistent drizzle just enough for wet weather gear till around Esk. My brother in law very nearly got cleaned up on the turn off to Mt Glorious by a ute that we had followed for 5-10klm that indicated to turn right, started to move right across the diving lane then suddenly decided to turn HARD left with my Brother in law already at the rear of the ute. Needless to say the ute driver shit himself as did my Brother in law and somehow it all unwound without a incident. Lucky indeed. It started to rain steadily once we hit the dirt at Gatton and was pretty slow going thru the forests and back roads. We weren't able to do some of the creek crossings as the roads had been closed due to the last floods thru there. There were no entry points or exit points to get across. Day two was driving rain and terrible conditions all dirt and it took us around 9 hrs to do less than 100klm with all the stops and tip overs and back tracking. Day three was overcast and we decided to shortcut via the tar to the back of Stanthorpe and get back onto the dirt hopefully ahead of the predicted 1 months rain in a weekend prediction. Some of the roads out the back of nowhere are spectacular and freshly tarred with no traffic and the state forest fire trails well maintained again with zero traffic/4x4. And then the rain started.....just staying upright in "Enduro mode" with traction control activated on clay based roads that now had a layer of sludge on top was very challenging. I ran out of skill twice on that section with the front tucking once on the camber while upright and then 50m further on the rear overtaking the front. Anyway once we got of that road we made the decision to head for home in torrential rain. It rained all the way till the back of Glasshouse mountains and then dry run home. 

    Our last run home from the Cape was also in unbelievable rain with places underwater and cool conditions. I can tell you with first hand experience that HD wet weather gear wont keep you dry when it gets really snotty. 

    Where were you planning to get to on this trip Pauly?.
    Seems as though the pin was pulled before the final destination was reached.
    Not sure why but thought you were heading off on an epic eat to west off roader.
    Maybe I was just smoking too many Sonoran desert toad skins.
  • paulybronco
    1 year ago
    Ha Ha FC trying for winter/July desert crossing to Steep Point from the Sunshine Coast. We would love to straight line it but reality is i dont have the right bike and more importantly the skill to do that so a slightly easier road and dirt /desert trip is being rejigged constantly. These week/weekend trips are just lead up to getting saddle time and getting to brush up on off-road skills.
    We did what we wanted to this weekend other than a few forest sections that had water crossings and had plan b sorted before we left that allowed us to hit the tar and bypass certain areas. 
  • bloodog
    1 year ago
    Quoting paulybronco on 12 Mar 2023 10:20 AMedited: 12 Mar 2023 10:24 AM

    Ha Ha FC trying for winter/July desert crossing to Steep Point from the Sunshine Coast. We would love to straight line it but reality is i dont have the right bike and more importantly the skill to do that so a slightly easier road and dirt /desert trip is being rejigged constantly. These week/weekend trips are just lead up to getting saddle time and getting to brush up on off-road skills.

    We did what we wanted to this weekend other than a few forest sections that had water crossings and had plan b sorted before we left that allowed us to hit the tar and bypass certain areas. 

    Such a shame your not a photo taking bloke PB
  • evo94
    1 year ago
    Quoting paulybronco on 12 Mar 2023 10:20 AMedited: 12 Mar 2023 10:24 AM

    Ha Ha FC trying for winter/July desert crossing to Steep Point from the Sunshine Coast. We would love to straight line it but reality is i dont have the right bike and more importantly the skill to do that so a slightly easier road and dirt /desert trip is being rejigged constantly. These week/weekend trips are just lead up to getting saddle time and getting to brush up on off-road skills.

    We did what we wanted to this weekend other than a few forest sections that had water crossings and had plan b sorted before we left that allowed us to hit the tar and bypass certain areas. 

    tnx for writeup of your what would you then consider the "right bike" for you on such an adventure??
  • GGUser260
    1 year ago
    Quoting paulybronco on 12 Mar 2023 10:20 AMedited: 12 Mar 2023 10:24 AM

    Ha Ha FC trying for winter/July desert crossing to Steep Point from the Sunshine Coast. We would love to straight line it but reality is i dont have the right bike and more importantly the skill to do that so a slightly easier road and dirt /desert trip is being rejigged constantly. These week/weekend trips are just lead up to getting saddle time and getting to brush up on off-road skills.

    We did what we wanted to this weekend other than a few forest sections that had water crossings and had plan b sorted before we left that allowed us to hit the tar and bypass certain areas. 

    Quoting bloodog on 12 Mar 2023 08:49 PM

    Such a shame your not a photo taking bloke PB

    I was able to visualize 
  • flstc08
    1 year ago
    Quoting markwoumla on 12 Mar 2023 07:39 AM

    Have to agree , in consitent rain you eventually get wet with whatever gear you have... But over many years of riding,I think i have found the the answer,,,,

    Stop at the closest pub,,, give it an hour and poke your head out to check conditions..... If still pissing down,, book into pub and continue drinking..... In the morning if fine , continue on your way,, if not, book room for another night.... Works for me.....

    sounds like an excellent plan. Does it have to be raining, or can you just pretend?

  • paulybronco
    1 year ago
    Quoting paulybronco on 12 Mar 2023 10:20 AMedited: 12 Mar 2023 10:24 AM

    Ha Ha FC trying for winter/July desert crossing to Steep Point from the Sunshine Coast. We would love to straight line it but reality is i dont have the right bike and more importantly the skill to do that so a slightly easier road and dirt /desert trip is being rejigged constantly. These week/weekend trips are just lead up to getting saddle time and getting to brush up on off-road skills.

    We did what we wanted to this weekend other than a few forest sections that had water crossings and had plan b sorted before we left that allowed us to hit the tar and bypass certain areas. 

    Quoting bloodog on 12 Mar 2023 08:49 PM

    Such a shame your not a photo taking bloke PB

    Seems like the odd photo that i take are that offensive i don't bother sharing them. LOL 
  • markwoumla
    1 year ago
    Quoting markwoumla on 12 Mar 2023 07:39 AM

    Have to agree , in consitent rain you eventually get wet with whatever gear you have... But over many years of riding,I think i have found the the answer,,,,

    Stop at the closest pub,,, give it an hour and poke your head out to check conditions..... If still pissing down,, book into pub and continue drinking..... In the morning if fine , continue on your way,, if not, book room for another night.... Works for me.....

    Quoting flstc08 on 13 Mar 2023 05:53 AM


    sounds like an excellent plan. Does it have to be raining, or can you just pretend?

    Funny you bring that up .... The older I'm getting it doesn't really have to be pissing down... You may remember the old rule on building sites ,, the Union rep would pull a tally ho paper out , hold it outside for 10 seconds, if a drop of rain hit the paper, the order was , stay in the donger lads !!!!

  • Ultramick
    1 year ago
    And I always thought it was a drop of water on a Sydney morning herald. Thats with inflation and all.