Online: Aunty X

What did you guys do on your bikes today?

  • tussuck
    2 years ago
    That looks better than mine.  I can remove the fairing without removing the brackets on the fork stems, but your system looks a little easier to use than mine. 
  • Baloffski
    2 years ago
    Mate, I'm a dinosaur.
    Anyway, can understand KYB they are cool, and as you say, can make things fit. keep us in the loop , later, when you stream them on a bike, interested to know. Think there on the front of my TT600 Belgarda, or my ex Guzzi.  

    Memphis fairing was a Klockworks from Kuryakin.

  • flstc08
    2 years ago
    G'day, do you remember when the easy fix for something not working was to tap it with a hammer, or to undo and redo it up? 

  • Far Canal
    Far Canal
    2 years ago
    Quoting flstc08 on 20 Jul 2022 10:57 AM

    G'day, do you remember when the easy fix for something not working was to tap it with a hammer, or to undo and redo it up? 

    Carby float sticking, tap the bowl with a screwdriver. Sorted.

    2 years ago
    Tap on the astrix in far right bottom corner  then when new page opens, scroll down a bit and type in comment, then press save. 
    Job done
  • Grease Monkey
    Grease Monkey
    2 years ago
    Wombat, shit happens, they definitely get heavier with age, it could of been worse :)
  • beaglebasher
    2 years ago
    Fixed that annoying oil leak from the primary. 
    Turned out it was the 1/8" plug. I must have forgot to use thread tape. 
    Duh !
  • beaglebasher
    2 years ago
    There was a thread a while back about primary case leaks but I cant find it.
    Turns out the issue was the plug. 
    In my defence I had a couple of refreshing beverages under my belt.
  • Baloffski
    2 years ago
    you batshit mad like many good on this Florum.
    Mate keep riding and tell it like it is, wished had more mech knowledge as well..
  • beaglebasher
    2 years ago
    I have been thinking about making a screen for my bike wombat.
    I am working on a tight budget so I'm gonna make it out of 1/4 " steel plate. It probably won't have the same aesthetic appeal as yours but it should keep the wind out.
    What do you reckon?
  • steelo
    2 years ago
    Quoting beaglebasher on 23 Jul 2022 01:33 AM

    I have been thinking about making a screen for my bike wombat.

    I am working on a tight budget so I'm gonna make it out of 1/4 " steel plate. It probably won't have the same aesthetic appeal as yours but it should keep the wind out.
    What do you reckon?

    Saw one of these bb. Comes already mounted on frame. Popular for a short time on early French Harley’s. 
  • flstc08
    2 years ago
    Quoting beaglebasher on 23 Jul 2022 01:33 AM

    I have been thinking about making a screen for my bike wombat.

    I am working on a tight budget so I'm gonna make it out of 1/4 " steel plate. It probably won't have the same aesthetic appeal as yours but it should keep the wind out.
    What do you reckon?

    Quoting steelo on 23 Jul 2022 02:14 AM

    Saw one of these bb. Comes already mounted on frame. Popular for a short time on early French Harley’s. 

    mainly for the aristo's.

  • John.R
    2 years ago
    Got the back end sorted, fender loom made, everything bolted up and loctited, spacers made for the shocks. 
  • Baloffski
    2 years ago
    Youse Guys are comedians.
  • Baloffski
    2 years ago
    Get my Licence back in 3 weeks Beeline for home(Wombat). So hanging for a ride, is killing me. Fucken locked in , Cold , Wet, Fucken Net FuckFlix, .. being a good boy. Speed Cameras. I bowed down too. Fucken speed (Err sorry Safety Camera's) did my points, is 3 months walking son, 21 days more  and can ride, going  I hate it. Revenue, speed camera's for fucks sake over the limit on a Freeway by a few, adds up. Ya got to be kidding. Anyway am a good boy. Crazy days...Please be a little acceptance of my stupid totally ridiculous comments. 
  • flstc08
    2 years ago
    Quoting Baloffski on 25 Jul 2022 06:50 AM

    Get my Licence back in 3 weeks Beeline for home(Wombat). So hanging for a ride, is killing me. Fucken locked in , Cold , Wet, Fucken Net FuckFlix, .. being a good boy. Speed Cameras. I bowed down too. Fucken speed (Err sorry Safety Camera's) did my points, is 3 months walking son, 21 days more  and can ride, going  I hate it. Revenue, speed camera's for fucks sake over the limit on a Freeway by a few, adds up. Ya got to be kidding. Anyway am a good boy. Crazy days...Please be a little acceptance of my stupid totally ridiculous comments. 

    try Tubi or Old Movies, both apps and web sites. Maybe, has old English radio comedies and some American. Not as stuck up as Netflix. You could search for 'rape revenge' on youtube and watch 'I Spit on Your Grave". The second half is a bit gruesome. There is another film, I can't remember the name, but the victim demonstrates  some very novel uses for spoons. 
  • Soapbox2627
    2 years ago
    I gave my bike a bit of a clean and lowered the suspension from 18 back to 4 (I have lost some weight), then went for a beachy, took a couple pics and realized how smooth the rear was now

  • Antic
    2 years ago
    That's something I never worry about these days is speeding
    Cruise Control has saved me time and again, especially in 50 zones

    Ah!!!, electronic aids, gotto love em.....

  • 408
    2 years ago
    A few of us used to alternate with each other leading the group on a ride.
    One of the guys used his cruise control, we got jack of that pretty quick.
  • John.R
    2 years ago
    More motor stuff.