And i think that's the fair thing under the circumstances. Perhaps others could learn from the judges comments.
The law does not explicitly state how sober a person needs to be in order to make an informed decision. It is up to a judge to decide if a complainant was too drunk to consent. A person could be intoxicated but yet a judge could determine that he or she still had the coherent capacity to consent, for example, by saying ‘yes’ to the sexual activity.
There's no claim to anything. I will try to insert the quotation marks next time for you.
Where would you like to insert them?
Unlike yourself, i care little what others think about me. You seem to be distracted from the topic ....again.
What a mess! Regardless of the outcome of a trial Bruce Lehrmann will forever be labeled a rapist.
Read, they shittin themselves now
Smoking gun evidence that she was aware of the implications of commenting.