Online: Hilly, Ultramick

Public comments v natural justice

  • paulybronco
    1 year ago
    Another day Another drama.....So the new National Anti Corruption Commissioner is under a bit of heat already...
  • Grease Monkey
    Grease Monkey
    1 year ago
    Gunna be hard to sweep that under a rug!
  • paulybronco
    1 year ago
    Surprise surprise the Dpp in the Brittany Higgins circus has resigned before the indipendant inquiry becomes public. The inquiry has raised the question as to if he's a fit and proper person to hold that position. 
  • 408
    1 year ago
    It became obvious during the inquiry that Drumgold had made a few blunders.  It also became obvious that he was pushing shit uphill trying to get the AFP on side, who had no idea what their job actually was.
    The circus continues with the premature release of the report to the media by Sofronoff.
    One of the main points considered during the inquiry was the unauthorised release of confidential information to the media.
    Sofronoff has continued that trend and it will likely be the last time he is asked to conduct a formal Board of Inquiry.

  • paulybronco
    1 year ago
    Unmasking the Dpp win at all costs disregard for the law should see him prosecuted. I Wonder if anyone already jailed Will have their cases reviewed if he was the prosecutor.
  • 408
    1 year ago
    Quoting paulybronco on 06 Aug 2023 07:56 AM

    Unmasking the Dpp win at all costs disregard for the law should see him prosecuted. I Wonder if anyone already jailed Will have their cases reviewed if he was the prosecutor.

    Don’t see a problem there. The ACT police have had a longtime reputation for failing to prosecute sexual assault cases.
  • paulybronco
    1 year ago
    So now Drumgold is suing the Act government and wants among other things... Asking the court to consider an injunction to stop the ACT government from removing him as the ACT’s DPP and stop the government from bringing charges against him based off the report’s findings. 
  • 408
    1 year ago
    Not sure how that is going to work; I believe he already resigned.
    if anybody is contemplating more legal action, the ACT Govt and Drumgold should be going after Sofronoff. 
    He was that keen to hang Drumgold out to dry that he shared the report with the media before the ACT Govt had received it, in direct contravention of the ACT Inquiries Act.
    I hope Murdoch looks after him because he will have fucked himself in relation to any future legal work.
  • Grease Monkey
    Grease Monkey
    1 year ago
    Well isn't that a turn up for the books, hopefully he gets a fair trial.......
  • Jay-Dee
    1 year ago
    Quoting Grease Monkey on 26 Oct 2023 08:36 AM

    Well isn't that a turn up for the books, hopefully he gets a fair trial.......

    It's very hard to see that happening based on how keen the media have been to publish his identity since the new rules were introduced in Queensland.

    They might actually surprise us and keep out of it a bit more though if there are no political implications associated with this case. The court of public opinion will be pretty brutal though.
  • 408
    1 year ago
    He deserves a fair trial, the same as anybody else.
    It will be interesting to see whether QLD police actually investigate the incidents(s) or spend all their time 'white-anting' the complainant.
  • paulybronco
    1 year ago
    Quoting Grease Monkey on 26 Oct 2023 08:36 AM

    Well isn't that a turn up for the books, hopefully he gets a fair trial.......

    Quoting Jay-Dee on 26 Oct 2023 11:43 AM

    It's very hard to see that happening based on how keen the media have been to publish his identity since the new rules were introduced in Queensland.

    They might actually surprise us and keep out of it a bit more though if there are no political implications associated with this case. The court of public opinion will be pretty brutal though.

    It seems like his side are talking a Judge only trial at this stage due to concerns regarding selecting a jury that may well have formed a view already about him. 
    This is part of the allegations......

    "Police will allege former Liberal staffer Bruce Lehrmann met a Queensland woman he is accused of raping at a strip club before returning to a friend’s house where they kissed.
    It is alleged that in October 2021, the woman met friends at a music venue in Toowoomba, west of Brisbane.

    After socialising and drinking with friends, she moved to a second venue, an adult entertainment venue called The Vault.

    While attending that venue, police allege that the woman drank more alcohol and consumed cocaine before meeting Mr Lehrmann who introduced himself as “Bryce”.

    Police further allege that the woman later agreed to get in a taxi with him to his friend’s house where she got into bed with him and later fell asleep while kissing Mr Lehrmann.

    Police will allege the woman told Mr Lehrmann to put a condom on but that the next thing she remembered was waking up with the accused on top of her.

    The police will allege that Mr Lehrmann was not wearing a condom and told the woman they had sex numerous times and that he had ejaculated inside of her but that she had no recollections of this.

    Failing to wear a condom without a partner’s permission is considered sexual assault under Queensland law.

    Woman claims she recognised Mr Lehrmann from Google search

    It is further understood that police will allege that the complainant was speaking to a friend’s mother about the Brittany Higgins case.

    The complainant is alleged to have then conducted an internet search on her phone for ‘Brittany Higgins rapist’

    Following that search, it is understood the complainant believed the man pictured as the alleged rapist was the male person she met at The Vault in October 2021."
  • Grease Monkey
    Grease Monkey
    1 year ago
    Sticking ya dick into unconscious drunk girls is a no no Bruce, i thought that had been established after the last one......oh that's right, you didn't do that that time did you, should call himself Bill, he has no credibility.
  • paulybronco
    1 year ago
    So now Brittany Higgins cant resist the temptation of chirping in with her two bobs worth.   
  • 408
    1 year ago
    Quoting paulybronco on 01 Nov 2023 07:39 AM

    So now Brittany Higgins cant resist the temptation of chirping in with her two bobs worth.   

    I reckon she is entitled to have a say. This gives a lot more weight to her story. And this time it looks as though the police actually investigated Lehrmann.
  • Jay-Dee
    1 year ago
    I've been wondering how long it would take for this thread to get started up again but I didn't want to be the one to do it.

    If what's been reported in the media about this defamation trial is accurate my comment on page three (on my computer) still stands, neither of them are particularly credible. I suspect that something likely happened, but whether it was rape or maybe consensual with buyers remorse we'll never know. I'll be surprised if Bruce Lehrmann sees any money in this case though.