Stock mufflers 2008 FXDL

  • TingTong
    3 years ago
    Hi everyone. I have just purchased a 2008 FXDL from NSW with slash cut S&S slip-ons. I am looking to either buy or borrow some stock mufflers to pass roadworthy in Qld. Does anybody have, or knows someone who has, stock mufflers they'd be willing to either sell me or rent to me for this reason? 1
  • Far Canal
    Far Canal
    3 years ago
    Surprised someone has not made a business out of this.
  • Retroman
    3 years ago
    They are the same for Dynas from 2007 to 2017 so should be easy enough to find I reckon.

    I used to get US versions without catalytic converters , probably still easy enough to find on US ebay if you have the time to find/buy/recieve in the mail. Guts of a month ex-US no doubt.

    Use Ronnies HD online microfiche to get the correct part numbers
  • TingTong
    3 years ago
    No cat - fail a roadworthy check?
  • fatbat
    3 years ago
    Depends on how thorough the inspection is. 

    For your purposes just get the Australian oem dyna mufflers and keep them in your shed after you take them off. Maybe then start a business renting them out 
  • TingTong
    3 years ago
    Been taking to others who've done it up here, and TMR up here seems to just fail all HD with aftermarket pipes. So yeah I'm looking for stock mufflers to avoid an inspection in the first place.