I don’t have an issue with anti vaxxers but I do have an issue with people who use their stance to unlawfully disrupt cities, economies and livelihoods no matter the cause.
I hope they have the mandatory registration current for their truck, and it has tires that are compliant with the mandatory tread depth, and a mandatory license for the type of truck they are driving, the truck should be compliant with the mandatory emissions legislation, and they need to carry the mandatory log book, showing they have had the mandatory rest stops. The lighting on the truck needs to comply with the mandatory regulations for the size of the load, and they need to keep within the mandatory speed regulations. and wear a mask, use hygiene, isolate if positive, and get a vax as recommended by their health professional.
welll "freedom" doesn't happen without accepting some mandates.??? you pay your dues along with everybody else to use the road. Don't pay you cant use .!!!
Put their case without name-calling? Funny as fuck! Does name-calling include: "you're a fuckwit" & "you are a fucking moron" and you all must be fucking each other"?
Are you talking about vaccine debates, or just other threads on here (spokes maybe?) because I don't remember these comments being made towards pro-vaccination/lock down/mandate members members in any of the vaccination discussions on here.