You don't seriously believe that we have a choice do you? Not in Australia we won't if you want any sort of a life outside of your home.
Its still the choice YOU can make Jay Dee. No one is forcing you to do it. I personally have had both jabs, your a adult make your own decision. Is it the fact that you feel forced to have it your concern or is it something else stopping you?
If I eventually didn't want to have any sort of life (not that I have much of one now) and I'll say income as well, I know I could make the choice not to.
I am starting to think:
It's interesting to observe how your outlook has now changed since the first post in this thread.
Got me beaten as to why they need funding for development and trials fb. Pfizer made 46billion alone off their vaccine.
Unsurprisingly you completely missed the context of my post.
My question remains you not want to get it because your feeling pressured or is there a different reason?
I’ve wanted to answer your question Paul and have drafted up a couple of very lengthy replies and bailed out. This one’s a little more condensed.
Guys, given as you know that I live in a pretty bad place in terms of the virus 23.6K cases yesterday alone and hit the 1.5m total cases in just over a year, it's a bit of an insight for the future perhaps in terms of how things may pan out for you. Despite our heavy case load restaurants have just been allowed to reopen...caveat, for those 2x vaxed (over 2 weeks since 2nd jab) 2 people at a table max. We have a digital certificate that is part of what I think is called there a QR Tracker??? Anyway, there are a growing range of other businesses that require this proof to enter. It is, like it or not, the future. FYI, the reason for the re-openings is the actual severity of cases is dropping quite markedly. As the vax % rate increases the number of people requiring serious medical intervention is growing less and less. The OVERWHELMING number of those admitted to hospital have zero history of vaccination, in the range of 98.2%.
I don't fully trust/buy into the government and media's panic/scare campaign.
HD - I thank you very much for your info you bring first-hand from a country that has had extreme suffering from the virus.